
Works for Pliny the Elder, a beer. 

Sad. Though it does make me wonder if there is a need or a market for a independent certification to indicate that your next vehicle is not hackable, without all the electronic BS.  I can’t image having to get rid of a vehicle because its operating system is no longer supported!

That would be the vehicle crew. Don’t forget the squad in the back.  The Bradley and the Hummer don’t compete on the same level per your proposed calculation. Hummers were never intended for how they were used - DAT

While you are at Surplus-R-US, don’t forge to thrown in some gas masks!

I actually recall reading that when these vehicles hit the market.  These cards did look so advanced compared to anything else the US was making. 

California. We have nuts like any other state; just a lot more and in different ratios. 

What exactly is the “rust era” for Mazdas? - From SoCal

Totally uncool; but, never mind the tires. Think of the public relations problems. Given that a man was executed in public under 9 minutes, perhaps you don’t care. In the current age of social media and cell phones in every pocket, you have got to be a total idiot to do this.

A requirement was that it may be used for weekend trips of up to 12 hours. Spending that much time in a Nissan S-Cargo is punishment! Also, the GTI with a Turbo. Which will get it first, the Turbo of the carbon build-up? Why not just try a regular Golf? Cheaper to maintain, insure and doesn’t get much notice if

Not a manual. But I wonder how much it would cost to convert? 

That is to much hp. Try an X1/9!

Yesterday, I just had one of these pass me on a college campus. Nice! However, I don’t try to figure out what sub-type it was. Instead, I rest assured that the owner likely lost more in the market due to recent events that I have, and that it will hurt him/her a lot more than me. 

This makes me wonder if cameras could be installed near the newly built traffic circles in our neighborhood.

Speeding is one thing, how about the neighborhoods? Last night while walking the dogs, I only saw 3 vehicles on the move. All three blew through various stop signs, and I am not talking of the typically California stop. Couple that with more than typical volume of people on the streets (joggers, dog walkers, etc.) and

Agreed. Is it Sweden that calculates a driver’s fine on his net worth? I recall seeing a news story about some guy being fined six digits for some really excessive speeding in a supercar

I remember that. Thanks for the reminder that there are people with “don’t give a damn” attitudes out there. It doesn’t make the streets any safer even with less vehicles on the road. 

By all means go with a Prelude! I was just thinking the other days that I really miss seeing them on the road. There used to be so many during the 12 years I was driving my ‘86 Golf.

My first new car was an ‘86 Golf. Ran well, didn’t any oil, and had a non-interference engine. On the picture, some of those lines in the engine bay are braided stainless steel straight from the factory! Twelve years later at 176K miles I gave it away for $500. This example is nice enough for a budget driver from the

Having had a older Passat engine destroy itself twice due to timing chain tensioners, I feel your dread. 

Direct competitor? Perhaps. At least VW in the US bothers to make a manual, whereas with an Audi, chances are that the owner is too busy to drive a stick. I had a A4 rental in EU and the slush-box with auto stop/start drove me nuts! I did try to ask for a manual Passat at the rental counter, but no luck.