
Hence, why it is infected and prolapsed.

How long does the box fan last? I thinking this stress reduces the life expectancy of the fan?

This so this.

Just buy the AppleCare, I take my iPad pro, last gen, everywhere and it is “protected” with a decal and the apple keyboard. If it breaks, I only have to pay $49 bucks. That is cheaper than a case.

Yup, on windows I do clean installs once a year or so. But my PC is just a gaming rig. So nothing really on it anyway. On linux cleans installs, all the time lol.

You’re talking about just you media files backup 4 times? I had media files, backed up 3 times. Drobo DAS, Synology NAS, and 1 off site external disk. Whole system on 2 time machines one in to AirPort Extreme, one to DAS, and a monthly whole system clone to same offsite location at my office.

This. Adobe isn’t responsible for his data. He should’ve had a backup. Keeping a copy on the same system in the video folder isn’t a backup. Dude isn’t going to win.

Has more to do with our laziness, ordering online convenience and how younger millennials own less cars.

How do you know they didn’t film anymore clips of him? I doubt he did all those cameos in one take and took the first joke or phase.

He is a racist and a sexist. But are far from perfect. you’re wrong, people have a right to criticize and not support his racist and sexist ass.

Crabs in a bucket. The sad thing is he is actually trying to defend her sick mentally

Back pedaling is weak. Poverty and unemployment in the US is down. Racial and gender inequalities have nothing you do with that fact people are making. They are pointing out that your GF is being jelly and bitter, and worrying about another work class member’s money. Trying to defend her on a blog to strangers is

Bagels suck. And I love bread.

The Treees!! They are dying!!

“Get Out” is a documentary.

Stop back pedaling 

If I was A.I., I would be pissed that the humans are making me wear fake clothes.

1.) Nintendo has been using racial stereotypes forever.

Excuse my American, but Irish people are considered “uneducated” and “cavemen” by the British ? There are ton of famous Irish people and most seem educated .. will except Conner McGregor.