
You’re a bot, aren’t you.

Apparently you don’t understand what “quid pro quo” means.

Every indication is that you are, in fact, an imbecile.

Only if one doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “bribery” or the way campaign contributions work.

Yes. Yes, you are.

No, you should be better educated. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Bribery is illegal. Campaign contributions are not bribery. Neither bribery nor campaign contributions are lobbying.

I’m not really a first amendment absolutist. It’s becoming slowly more clear to me that absolute freedoms are not entirely compatible with a functional society.

but the modern interpretation that makes money speech and equates corporations with citizens.

with limiting the amount of money, trips, merchandise, and other bribes given to politicians specifically to get them to take your particular side in said redress of grievances...

It’s a known fact that the rich have a vastly disproportionate influence on our political process.

Citizens United had nothing to do with lobbying.

You’re an imbecile.

Lobbying should be legal, giving money to politicians or their campaigns should not be.

the right of direct redress is so strong that i cannot conceive of any anti-lobbying legislation standing up to judicial scrutiny.

You don’t seem to understand Citizens United.

You don’t understand Citizens United.

There’s nothing morally wrong with expressing your point of view to legislators. That’s asinine.

#1 money is not speech, gifts are not speech

Which is why we should outlaw lobbying.