Fronzel Neekburm

That’s how my uncle ended up with 12 coffins. 

Was it ONE ring, or was it a big container of 420 rings for 1,000 each?

I hope they do a sequel to the episode where they piss of the Native Americans.

Hey, remember how when I said, “Korn can’t be any worse.” Well, this shut me right up. 

Which Disney will solve by purchasing Netflix. 

They need to defy Harrison Ford and just make Chris Pratt the new Indiana Jones. That’s all they’re doing right now.

My bad. You’re right.

Of course he did. He’s the Immortal Iron Fist.

You and I should apply to be writers on this. where do we sign up?

I’m looking forward to him as Batman. I think he’ll do a good job, especially bringing in the weird that is Bruce Wayne. I think we tend to forget that Bruce Wayne is essential to the character, and I’d even cast them as separate people.

And what better way to pick that up is have an escaped handmaid tell her story. 

That’s the lesson I took. That he knew he was able to help people, so he continued to do so. His leap into God’s Tavern told him he could control his leaps, so he continued to do so. 

Yes, because a jacket like that would look totally ridiculous. That’s what you’re saying right. Because ha ha i don’t have anything like that. Nope. 

I don’t know why they don’t call it “Gempire” 

Thanks. Something to tide us over in the decade before the next season. 

I was thinking about this a little more. Last season could have focused more on Eden and June... with Eden cheating on her husband and eventually being sentenced to be a Handmaiden (not killed) while June works to get out of Gilead.

I’m beginning to think that the lesson from The Suicide Squad and the casting should be “we probably shouldn’t be in such a rush to judge a movie based on the first few things we hear about it” and no one is going to pay attention to that lesson. 

i still watch that No Man’s Land scene to get pumped up sometimes. That’s a masterclass in how you reveal a superhero. I get that they wanted some kind of end fight, but I don’t think the movie needed it quite as much. Still... great film. 

I said this elsewhere but how different would it have been if June got out of Gilead? I’m sure she could inspire a revolt from the outside with her story. Last season seemed to imply that everyone else didn’t realize how bad things were in Gilead. 

They systematically undid literally everything that happened in Thor: Ragnorak. Everything. Thor gets his eye back, the arc of Infinity War was him getting another weapon when the point of the movie was that he didn’t need one, Hulk started to develop a personaility and was summarily killed off. I was half surprised