Fronzel Neekburm

I’m interested in season 3, but I do wonder what things would look like if June got out of Gilead, and was able to further tell her story. The thing I never really got much of a handle on is how much of Gilead’s story got out. It seemed shocking when the stories got out in Canada but has a handmaid escaped before? i

I liked Brie in the role. I like her as sort of a cocky fighter pilot, and I’d like to see her do like a “Top Gun” or something cool like that. I think she should be in more action movies, and not like the super slick spy stuff, but like... the Rock where she throws a guy off a cliff and then makes some kind of quip.

It’s not, it’s just a lot of VERY LOUD people.

Um... i think you’re reaching a little bit with that Harley Quinn Poster. She’s hitting someone with a bat, and it’s bloody. There’s no indication that she’s killing anyone. 

I don’t. I’d much rather discuss the flaws in Endgame, which killed off the Hulk and had Bruce Banner ride around in his corpse. I was responding to a story on how people still want to attack the movie, and I wanted to make point about how idiots hijack what could be good, useful, and quite frankly fun discussions

he’s my hero. 

That’s the thing. I genuinely liked most of The Last Jedi. I think it was good, and it told an interesting story. (It was also beat for beat, Empire Strikes back.) I liked what it tried to do.

I hate that jackasses have once again hijacked a conversation around a film that could have used improvement, but not for the reason of the main character being a woman. It’s because the movie needed some work. It’s mid-tier Marvel. I wish we could have a real conversation about it’s real flaws without these jackasses

Now if Goodreads could introduce the same thing to help people from review bombing books that they heard were offensive. 

What about if a really good friend spoils the ending for us?

Where’s that Indian baby he has sometimes?

When the project was announced, there was a lot of concern that the Charles Manson thing would be sensationalized, with gore over anything else. Now it looks like it’s just that: Being used as a backdrop, and people are complaining?

This is really good news, everyone. that means whoever made the wish “I want to see all the Disney movies live action” will be able to see the folly of their ways, and use their THIRD wish to cancel it.

Jokes on you, I’m already dead.

*Badison died on the way back to her home planet.

They just need to establish a narrative reason for her to hold her cape in front of her face for the rest of the movie. Then the rest is pretty much just long shots. 

I fear this season will end with Badison ending up on the Iron Throne. 

For the love of...

Tom and Jerry ending:

I feel that The Phantom Menace is one of those movies where you walk out saying “Wow that sucked” but the more you think about it, you can identify individual scenes that made the movie actually pretty good. if they cut back 50% on Jar Jar and young Anakin’s lines, I think the movie would be a lot more fondly