Fronzel Neekburm

Twilight Zone being renewed for a second season is a shocking twist not seen since the original Twilight Zone.

I think it will all depend on how critics and movie sites like this one feel about it coming out. If they’ve turned then any reshoots will be all about how the movie is going to fail no matter what. If they haven’t then reshoots are all a normal part of the process. 

I mean, isn’t that a good reaction*? Not from a supportive standpoint, but if the first reaction is “it should be Jon Snow, this guy who’s been built up to be the one to do it since he was brought back to life, is a leader, and is the real heir to the Iron Throne” but then it turns out to be someone who has been on

RE: Infinity Stones

i’m legit worried about all of these prequels (Sounds like at least 2 are coming, maybe a third). Avengers: Endgame was fantastic, but Prequels for existing franchises have not worked out historically. 

Sure. Lots of people don’t die from the measles. A lot of people: young kids, those with compromised immune systems, any number of complications that CAN come up because of measles do. If you’re a “doctor” and you cite the Brady Bunch for any other reason that you’re a big fan and you’re telling it to a patient as

Fantastic ending of a film. I like the endings for three of our main characters: Iron Man, Black Widow, and Captain America. I think they’re fitting ends: Iron Man finally cutting that wire. Black Widow taking charge. And Captain America finally getting that dance. I think the love the Russos show for Captain America

I went to a convention this weekend and someone was dressed like this on Saturday.

She’s the one I feel is the safest. Honestly, can she be killed? I kind of feel that if anyone stabbed her, she would just pull the blade out, tell them to man up, then stab them in the neck. 

Is that all inclusive?

I agree. As much as I loved Captain Marvel, i wish Wasp was celebrated more.

I was thinking hard of a scene to top any of these, but honestly, not much tops the “The Vulture is Liz’s dad” scene. It’s played perfectly by Michael Keaton and Tom Holland, and when it switches to the car it only gets more and more sinister. Tom Hiddleston gets a lot of love for Loki, but to me Michael Keaton will

“You... human... how did you know my card? What telepathy is this?”

If AA tolerates it, then it’s good enough for me. TO THE MULTIPLEX!!

I loved this movie. Ant-Man has become the grounding force for the MCU. Whenever it gets to big and unwieldy, they make one of these to remind us that not all movies need to feature someone throwing a city around or moons at people.

I’m looking forward to this movie paying off in the climax of Endgame. Thanos, standing tall, about to snap more people out of existence. Then... who’s this! It’s SCOTT LANG AND HIS CLOSEUP MAGIC! It’s no match for the power of the gauntlet.

I liked Firefly, Angel, and Buffy. I thought the first Avengers was really good. i’m looking forward to this. 

That’s what she said. 

I heard it was easily the next MCU movie released after “Captain Marvel”.

Thank you for this.