Fronzel Neekburm

There’s a running gag that they want to get Doritos to sponsor them. They sell shirts that say “Doritos, not Dictators.” You’ll love it!!

I would highly recommend listening to Behind the Bastards’ episode on the non-Nazi Bastards who helped Hitler rise to power. It’s oddly familiar. Almost as if we’ve seen some of the exact same tactics recently.

I used to think there wasn’t a right answer when someone was cast in a role, just whatever their reaction was.

Aw, man, the Jedi are really going to feel this.

Will they show Julie Andrews regenerate into Emily Blunt, or are they going to just use archive footage? And this the second Mary Poppins, or are they going to do more of that “War Mary Poppins” stuff?

Has anyone made an “Execute Order 66" joke yet? I’d like to be the one to do that if they haven’t.

Well, now Brexit has just gone too far.

Translation: If you happen to have any spare Avengers laying around, we’d really like you to let us have them for a Spider-Man but not Spider-Man movie. What’s Hawkeye doing? I mean, it’s apparently not much, so maybe we can use that.

All of them. In a plane crash. Over Indiana. Smash cut to Frankie Heck, giving blood to help with the tragedy and telling everyone that she’s a great person for giving blood.

You’re right, they should have a picture of Ruby Rose up there to remind people that we ALL need to start being nicer.

So, I love Henry Cavill and I hope he’s staying. But I’m wondering if this isn’t their way of drumming up a little bit of press before they announce a Superman/Shazam cameo since they said it was self-contained earlier.

I commented early but I have a better one now:

You know what: This is a pretty good take. I like this idea.

Why isn’t this titled, “Henry Cavill is going up, up, and away?”

If cartoons have taught me anything, theme parks usually fail because their owners want them to fail so they can collect the insurance, and usually dress up as ghosts to scare people off to make this happen.

That’s really the problem: Before a movie comes out people have already read about the reshoots, the supposed problems with the cast, whatever, so theyre looking for all of the problems to be the next Screenjunkies.

Exactly. It was fun. It was just fun.

Question: Is it body shaming if my only real complaint is that it constantly looks like Chewbacca has salon-quality fur despite hanging out in the world’s best flying Man-Cave for 20 years? Because really if we’re going to complain about anything, that’s what we should complain about.

Damnit. I’ve always really liked Norm Macdonald, too. Just when we needed his Burt Reynolds impersonation the most...

So nothing important, then?