Fronzel Neekburm

I have to agree with Joey... it’s Lex Luthor.

Firstly... I like seeing the love for A Bug’s Life. Just... I love it. Too many people put it on the bottom of their Pixar list because it’s the movie that came after Toy Story (And honestly, these lists underestimate just how bad Cars 2 actually was...)

So... basically what everyone thought from the first moment the movie was announced. I’ll not only see it, but I can’t wait for the people who look past the multiple warnings, the trailers, and what I’m sure will be the physical signs that theaters put up that say, “This isn’t for kids” then take their kids, and get

I’m looking forward to this reboot, because it does sound like a unique take on things. Also, he should cast Kerry Washington in it, because they should go back and retroactively cast her in things in which she hasn’t appeared and add her digitally. (Yes, I know she’s doing that Hulu Show. This would be awesomer.)

The lack of the Legends of Tomorrow (Which is the best Superhero show on television, fight me) and the appearance of Superman and Lois Lane leads me to believe that this episode is going to be taking place in Supergirl’s Universe, with Arrow and Flash coming in to help out Supergirl. I fully expect a lot of jokes back

Exactly. The only true shared universe, including the DCEU and the MCU, is actually the Wiggles/Law and Order shared universe. In this essay, I will show...

Hey, how does the AV Club feel about Ben Affleck as Batman? I wish they’d make their position clear.

Kelly Marie Tran deserves better. So does Ruby Rose, Millie Bobbie Brown, Daisy Ridley, Lauren Zuke... and the countless people bullied off of social media.

It’s James Gunn’s time to shine!

It’s James Gunn’s time to shine!

I meant for after Infinity War. A Jane Foster: Thor movie would be pretty dope.

Even bottom-tier Marvel is better than a lot of other movies out there. I enjoyed it. I think they tired to shoehorn in the human stuff too much, while Thor: Ragnarok was like, “Hey, let’s make Guardians of the Galaxy, but with Thor, and we can make Earth the secondary focus.”

It makes it elligible for awards. i’m sure they wanted the other actors to have a chance.

While James Gunn getting fired is BS, I’m just sayin... Green Lantern Corps needs a director who can grasp the cosmic while finding humanity. James Gunn is a director who can grasp the cosmic while finding the humanity.

If you don’t want to get made fun of for being complicit, then don’t be complicit.

How long does beer stay good when locked in a fridge that won’t open for a few years?

I really liked Solo. I didn’t think it was top tier Star Wars, but I thought it was fun. I also liked the Last Jedi, despite some flaws.

I wish Kevin Smith had a crystal ball and could have waited to release Clerks in the Netflix or Adult Swim Era. We’d be on Season 14 with only a handful of episodes each season, but that deserved to live. The best was the “clip show” from the second episode.

this is a well written article, however it glosses over the fact that it’s a bigger problem. You start to skirt the bigger issue: Ruby Rose was bullied off of Twitter for not being LGBTQ+ enough, but then start in on things like Danny Rand, and an entire paragraph about toxic alt-right people.

Yeah, I don’t know why anyone would do that after some toxic “fans” bullied one of the artists off of twitter and then proceeded to tell a 15 year old girl to kill herself.