
And I credit all that fun, silly, crazy energy to Raimi, who could probably be given the ingredients list to a toaster strudel for a script and still make something visually fun and inventive out of it.

So I’m a bit nervous about Marvel banking on him. I still have not watched Loki season 2, but I found his script for Multiverse of Madness to be THE number one reason why that film overall just did not work. The way it handled exposition and character development was beyond sloppy.

Well, I for one am glad they didn’t do an “Ursula isn’t bad; she’s just so misunderstood, everybody” prequel/reboot because I am getting so, so, so, SO sick of those. Just let villains enjoy being evil, ffs.

Well, considering that “being an indictment on how bad the main character is” was the whole point of the original, I’d say you’re not wrong.

Yeah, as much as I liked this series (and I really liked it. Love it as an addition to the overall legendarium, so to speak), I also found it peculiar that out of the two, the one that was much more sporadic in terms of madcap energy and snappy editing, often opting instead to be calm and patient with its pacing? Was

(Sees nothing but the subheadline) Wait. Pandora’s Box hasn’t already been opened on generative AI?

Wait. What happened with Jezebel?

If it’s even half as good as the original cartoon it’s adapting, it’ll be must-see TV. :)

(bands head) Ah, cripes! Look out, everyone. There’s a low bar there.


I know I’m contributing to it by commenting here, but I can’t wait until there’s some other topic to engage filmmakers with other than “Hey, how come you aren’t interested in being part of the corporate nerd machine omnipresent genre that fans act like is the only genre that exists in movies ever/anymore?”

Now playing

Yeah, if I’m going to listen to any “Take ‘Sound of Silence’ and make it power orchestra” cover of that song, I think this is a much better choice than Disturbed’s cover.

(reads nothing but the headline, crosses fingers)
Oh, please let me be one. Pleeeease let me be one....

Oh, I highly recommend his stand-up. All the things that make him unable to blend into a cast cohesively as an actor make him a hilarious comic.

This, right here, reflects my feelings exactly.

Huh. Well, doggonit, I guess that explains why my plucky enthusiasm for things I think are shindig-worthy never seems to be infectious to anyone else but my own diddle-ol’ self. Fiddlesticks.

Hmm. No wonder I can’t seem to ever get people excited for things that I am. I use words like that all the flipping time.

I don’t know, I got fond memories of the original movie before the games, and that was in live-action.

Well, I for one would love to hear you continue. Feeling up to it today?

Hell, we’re already seeing those chuds pop up in this very comment section.