
Yeah, I have no doubts it was a fairly entertaining film. And for anyone that enjoyed it, all power to ‘em!

Yep, that about sums it up. 

Different Frat Pack. Apparently Entertainment Weekly tried to make “fetch” happen, but it didn’t take.

Happy to have someone to commiserate with, buddy! Yeah, if I had to that type of audio editing 24/7, I’d probably go crazy.

Here’s one link where he went off. You’ll have to copy/paste because Kinja:

No, he’s the executive producer, as opposed to a regular producer. Regular producers tend to actually get involved in the day-to-day of the whole production process. Executive producers, on the other hand, usually just pick out who will serve as the regular producers and then slap their name on the thing.

I agree. It’s very underrated.

Yes, thank you! That is the movie I meant to say! I guess I was really tired when I made my original post yesterday.

Crap. I didn’t mean to say Get Out, but Don’t Breathe. I was asleep at the wheel yesterday...

Aw, shit. That’s not the movie I meant to say. I meant to say Don’t Breathe. I guess I was tired when I wrote that.

True, but as a professional editor who has had to do exactly that once or twice on some projects, it can be a very temperamental solution. Using it to cut out a word, or straight-up end an otherwise normally spoken sentence? Sure, that’s doable. Trying to string individual words from larger sentences together to make

I am very happy to hear that they achieved this through using outtakes from the original Aladdin, rather than, you know, A.I.

Wonder if anyone else remembers Entertainment Weekly trying to make “the Frat Pack” a thing in the late 90s, regarding Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and other actors their age at the time...

If only I trusted in Ridley Scott’s taste in movies at this point. Slamming Blade Runner 2049? C’mon.

So excited that Hazbin Hotel is finally getting a full series. Feels like I saw that original pilot an entire decade ago. (I think it’s not even been half that amount of time, but still)

I have to admit, I am really having a hard time getting over how grey and drab these visuals are. It looks like raw footage from a Black Magic camera that they just didn’t even bother to color correct! Why do we keep seeing dingy garbage cinematography like this over and over!?

It definitely sounds like it’s done by Anamanaguchi, who handled the music for the old Scott Pilgrim video game and are doing the music for this. So hopefully, it will be on the soundtrack?

Yeah, you’re right. Tastes are tastes, and there ain’t nothing wrong that. I’ve come to realize that entertainment is like food, and just like it’s ridiculous if you try to tell someone their taste buds are wrong, people spilling ink in trying to tell people they should like what entertains them is ridiculous.

Pretty sure Childs has an earing still in his ear.

Peter Watts story is so freaking good. Love the implication he brings that not even people assimilated by the Thing are fully aware what’s happened to them.