
Crap. I must have missed it, too. What am I missing?

I mean, at the same time, everything Before Covid was over five years ago, which is, you know, half a decade long...

...and doesn’t feature Kenneth Branagh thoroughly misunderstanding what makes the novel so good, too, please!

Oh, yeah?

Nah, unfortunately, videos of people arguing with each other and then “dueting” a counter-argument video to give yet another red-faced rebuttal to the rebuttal on their previous arguement, on and on and on into a near-endless chain, is every bit as common on TikTok as on Twitter, I’m afraid.

Yeah, seriously. Bigwigs try to blame price inflation on things like raising the minimum wage, etc. but what they never mention is that the idea of taking the difference out of their own exorbitant bonuses is something they’ll never, ever do, so instead they make the customers pay for the difference.

And that’s why I stopped using it. It’s not just well-oiled ADHD, it’s weaponized ADHD. Seriously, it was sucking my attention away from so much shit...

Soooooo freaking glad new episodes will actually stream next day on Peacock. Having to use the Syfy app’s asinine token system was a pain in the ass.

Anyone want to jump out and tell me once again that AI is nothing to worry about, it’s just going to make it easier to do meaningless tasks that we didn’t want to do in the first place, but nothing more?

The most generic horseshit” is the perfect descriptor. It lacks any kind of discernible conceptual hook beyond “yep, another exorcism movie! Look at all the possessed-by-a-demon shenanigans we’re getting up to!” I swear, not even zombie movies are as routinely by-the-numbers as exorcism movies tend to be.

Jesus Christ, that new Exorcist movie looks mediocre as all hell.

I don’t think this is a bad idea. Sure, it might mean there will be years where some mediocre moneymaker will get another feather in its cap it doesn’t need, but also might mean some legitimately GOOD moneymakers will actually get some kind of official critical distinction, allowing the artistic side of the equation

Yeah, it’s pretty far-fetched. Especially when you apply ‘ol Hanlon’s razor to it. The likelihood that Musk, like some mad genius, is only feigning stupidity in service of other mad geniuses is an incredibly inadequate explanation when compared to the mountain of evidence point toward the much more likely explanation

Yeah, that’s probably why it never did. Hard to have an ongoing Saturday morning cartoon story without villains who only monologue and scheme airlessly.

Yeah, this was my takeaway, too. Goyer is a great idea man, but the execution on his scripts tends to be bad more often than it’s good.

I’m still sad the one based off of Aliens never happened. Ah, well. We’ll always have the toys, at least.

...unless they were pulling a The Producers scheme and actually WANTED Musk to raze Twitter to the ground?

I’m a video editor for one of my local news stations where fast turnaround is supreme, and I have found that the standards of editing is much, much lower in this area of our field. It’s also cannibalistic: for every story that allows it, our news station is constantly reusing footage from other stations who themselves

Hell, her dad also had an assault charge once upon a time (unlike Emma, though, it wasn’t domestic violence, but reportedly for punching a cop who was trying to break up Eric’s domestic *disturbance.* Salient distinction, that).

Luckily, that makes what happens to her in Scream 4 very satisfying...