
Don’t forget the several lines devoted to what the serial killer’s farts are like. King sure loves himself some toilet humor.

He likes all types of music, though. He’s always been a bit of an omniglot toward all aspects of pop culture. I remember him waxing poetic about Amy Winehouse in one of his “Pop of King” articles for Entertainment Weekly back in the day.

And sketch me surprised.

Now playing

I just recently watched a video that goes into why this is actually not as straightforward an issue as it seems, but also with some suggestions at the end to fix it.

I mean, yeah, that’s probably true. Also, holy crap am I out of touch with what’s gone on in this last era. I’ll get back to everybody on whether or not I actually decide to fix that. (Either way, though, thanks for the response.)

This is probably the best way anyone could have responded to my question. XD
Thank you for reminding me of the MST3K Mantra:

Man, I really wanted this movie to be better than it was. Like you said, it wasn’t bad, just mediocre and pretty forgettable. But it could have been great, instead.

I’m bit rusty on my Doctor Who fandom, but wouldn’t someone whose parents didn’t marry until 2010 be, at most, 13 years old? Yeah, yeah, I know, wibbly wobbly, timey wimey, but still. This timeline does not add up.

I wonder whether the Kill Count’s James A. Janiesse would welcome this. Seeing as he’s recapping horror movies on his Kill Count videos, it seems like he’s constantly dealing with Youtube bans (often seemingly-petty, misguided ones). If this new policy provides a buffer against getting strikes, it’s probably a sigh of

Yeah, personally I wasn’t the biggest fan of 300, but I would agree it is definitely one of his better films. Funny enough, the thing that sinks the film for me is the same thing many people complain about for Watchman, and that’s those dumb, overwrought, fast-then-slow-then-fast-motion-again action scenes (the

Hey, from one ADHD sufferer to another, I’m happy to help!

Yeah, I also don’t understand why those moments were cut, especially since even though there’s some light body horror left on the cutting room floor, I don’t really think there’s anything that would have bumped it up to an R rating, or anything.

Oh, yeah, it’s definitely my preferred version of the movie, if possible. That said, though, like MadMikeyY says above, the changes are really extensive at all; it’s mostly just little moments here and there that sweeten the context of various moments and scenes.

Yeah, you’re not wrong in that (1) those moments are still present in any version you watch and (2) still very much suck. I’ll even throw on there just how awful that sex scene set to “Hallelujah” is... it may be one of the worst scene he’s ever directed, second only to the “Martha” scene in BvS.

I respect your opinion on BvS and MoS just as much as I disagree with it. Though do believe me when I say I am always happy when a movie I didn’t enjoy nevertheless has fans, because hating on people for liking something you didn’t is just wasted energy. I instead prefer to be glad that the movie was satisfying to some

As I mentioned in my prior comment, I do think the DC of Watchmen greatly improved it into being a genuinely good film. Still not to the level of the material it was adapting, but at least good.

(skyward scream) KINJAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Truth be told, I’ve always been more interested in seeing Ayer’s cut of Suicide Squad than I ever was in seeing the Snyder Cut (which I still haven’t bothered to watch, and likely never will).

Yeah, even as someone who likes it, I’ll admit that it’s got a lot less going on in its plot than the original book. Very curious how Villeneuve plans on making it feel like a grand finale, of sorts.

It’s very true. I mean, aside from a desert planet and the ability to compel people using powers from an ancient, secretive order, is there really all that many similarities between Dune and Star Wars that are more than superficial? I mean, sure, you could squint and say that Jabba is similar to a certain