Agreed. You’re going to put a dishwasher that attended the rally out of work. Just saying you will never know about the a-holes behind the scenes donating their millions to whatever cause they heard on Rush that day.
Agreed. You’re going to put a dishwasher that attended the rally out of work. Just saying you will never know about the a-holes behind the scenes donating their millions to whatever cause they heard on Rush that day.
President Pence thanks you!
You would hope, but I’m pretty sure the owner at my old job would have subsidized my trip and bailed me out. Shitheads are everywhere. (BTW I took a $5/hr. pay cut to get away from him)
They might get called the wrong pronoun.
I want a lathe and mill at home so bad!
NEEEEERD! NERD! NERD! NERD! kidding! That was interesting.
Have you READ the root? Have a go and get back to me.
OK so you’re just a self hating liberal. I stand corrected.
Yeah cuz these situations are exactly the same. Some yokel from bumfuck Ohio and a millionaire representing billionaires. Get a grip, rube.
Oh look! A self hating white liberal who doesn’t understand reality.
I come here to laugh and shake my head...why are you here? To get your hivemind talking points for the day?
LOL You such an internet badass! Bet you type a lot of ALL CAP hashtags on twitter too!
You are a shit person.
If you want to drive yourself nuts, keep trying to please these people. They hate you and always will. Are you new here? The root? Literally every article/comment section is how shitty white people are. Move on with your life and enjoy yourself!
LOL At first I the heck you get all that outta “whoops”? Did I miss part of the story? Then it hit me they edited...duh lol
LOL you so mad!
It’s hilarious you think you have a say in the matter.
That sounds like a Spanish stripper name.
So you’re saying black people would take out more white people if they just had better access?
Don’t you have any feelings? Why didn’t they just sit him down, maybe buy him an ice cream? Or try throwing pillows at him? You’re disgusting!