Free Range Gray

This is true of pretty much everybody in Star Wars except maybe Princess Leia. Han Solo never changes his clothes and Luke pretty much only does in between movies.

At least she gets a costume change to Ahsoka the White.

Planting folks in public-comment sessions has a long and sordid history.

Ahsoka has been emotionally stunted since finding out Darth Vader was her old master.

You may call her Pyjama Ahsoka, but for me that was 100% her “Ahsoka the White” moment. Loved it!

There’s no explicit answer, which is certainly on purpose and maybe not the best decision by Filoni.”

If she had killed him, she would have been lost, if she had lost, she would have lost. Only by choosing not to fight did she win. 

YES. Glad I’m not the only one who caught that. Then she says “I choose to live.” What that meant in this context was she was choosing to move on from just the Jedi Warrior part of her training and reach for the peacemaker part now, and that included moving on (“forgiving,” if you will) from what Anakin chose. If

Perhaps the biggest “reveal,” so to speak, was when Ahsoka grabbed Anakin’s lightsaber and her eyes briefly turned red and yellow (and no, it wasn’t just the reflection of the lightsaber because her right eye that was in shadow changed color too).

Was kind of hoping for more talking, less fighting between Anakin’s spirit and Ashoka.

Since A24 and AMC already agreed to the Writer’s terms, the other companies can’t bargain for worse deals, they have to go for the same otherwise they lose all new content to A24 and AMC

The other companies that don’t bargain will be forced to. If A24 agrees, they can make ALL the new content and everyone else loses out. They’d literally have a monopoly on all income for the next year or until others agree. And since A24 agrees to the terms, then nobody else will be able to bargain for less. Be

I remember The Office S4 was one of those shows that basically had to slam on the brakes and wrap it up due to lost time from the strike.

The only reason we know cable numbers is because they use those numbers to sell ad space and now that streaming is adopting ads they’re going to have to reveal the numbers in order to get the prices they want.

I saw a report recently that talked about the 2023-24 TV season essentially being over. By the time they wrap things up and get scripts written and approved, most studios would have been ramping up production for 2024-25. This is wholly unlike the Pandemic related delays when shortened seasons made sense.

None of what you said makes sense, but the thing that makes the least sense is that they are trying to drive the stock price down to sell the company. If you intend to sell, you want the stock price as high as possible because that becomes the minimum bid for the sale.

Someone only watches Fox. 

I dont think the dialogue thing is just you, because I’ve heard others say the same thing. But I really, really haven’t noticed it.

It doesn’t matter how thin the line is if you’re a football field’s length away.