Free Range Gray

My Fitbit congratulated me for doing sixteen minutes on the eliptical during the game. There’s no eliptical in my house.

My deluded dad never got over his Namath-high and raised me as Jets fan. Namath by the way is a fucking asshole and the only dude who decided to sexually harass a lady on prime time TV. Asshole. Anyways I ignored the Jets till the early years of sexy Rexy wagging his dick and the Jets mattering (a bit!). Then they

Drew’s weekly post on Thursday will pretty much just be that video clip, copied and pasted over and over and over. Followed by a Miller’s Crossing movie quote.

8-year-old: “Dad, you need to calm dow—”

There is hope for the Jaguars. Legitimate hope, and hope has a name: Tom “2-0 against the Patriots in the playoffs” Coughlin.

I can almost see it. Setting the record for most punts in a conference championship game with a combined 18.

I had just realized that if this was the NCAA, that would have negated the TD and ended the game.

Not until after the Foles vs Keenum NFC championship game!

I for one am looking forward to the Foles v Bortles Super Bowl!

This is how all of this will play out:

“Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

Rob Lowe looks like hell

He’s very Christ adjacent.

I am 100% certain Donald Trump holds himself in higher regard than God. The Lord God might even be a distant third behind money.

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. — color commentator on a Lonzo Ball 3 attempt.

It’s always better to be mis-led than missled in my book...

HE’S 25???!!?! He’s 25, got into an argument over a video game and called the SWAT team????? Wtf is wrong with people? I thought he was going to be like, 13 or something.

I think a better reason to keep them out of US markets is that they got ahead by stealing technology and designs from US companies. It’s common knowledge that US firms are required to give up much of their technology information in order to enter the Chinese market. Huawei has been given an unfair advantage by way of

As someone who has worked in Washington DC doing cyber security and given the average age of a US Senator is just over 62 years old, it probably went something like this:

Congress: Hey AT&T you can’t sell Huawei phones in America. They might be in cahoots with the Chinese government!