
it makes sense if you watched Ragnarok in which he is literally caught by Thor partying and watching plays about his dramatic end in dark world while eating snacks and drinking wine.

they put on the baby’s first socialist mask when the spotlight was on. they took their opportunity and didn’t blow it

roast this dude. the receipts are there!

lol but it will cordinate with these

dont know if they have taken this out but last time we played we had more friends that the game supports. the game likes to group people together from similar regions. so if you all live an cali and you got 8 people you can all over discord try to join at the same time each person gets a separate ship depending on how

no, not in the sense that you go to historic locations. its more like an arcade version of being a pirate. its a theme party with a light narrative involving pirate curses and treasure. everyone is basically on the same skill level, and upgrades are cosmetic items like costume, pets and curses ( they grant a cosmetic

Acceptable no, common place yes. Emotions get the best of us professional or not. The had wringing over this is silly, blizzard should deal with the situation for certain. But all this finger pointing about managing your feelings during a big event from bystanders who are not involved is a bit much.

yes we all know pro athletes always conduct themselves in regular sports. on and off field. and the fans of those sports also love to conduct them selves  in very sportsman like ways./s

best moment of E3 is when Stephen Totilo took my pic while I was playing Moonwalker arcade

lol tom holland looking hell a rough here.

devil dogs and devil cremes by lil debbie . I love them but the suck all the moist right out of my mouth

douyoutv is 7 yrs old. It launched a little over 2 yrs after twitch.

kinda feels like flights were cheap cause of the pandemic, and now the dregs who never travel are in force.

all far cry games have been great I love them. Its comfort food to me. I crank up to the highest setting take off most of the markers and randomly wander around. I love the base mechanics and try to ninja everyone john wick/ rambo style. evading alarms, breaking peoples necks and hiding bodies is fun

Execute order 69

it was a mistake.

if you really want to blow your top , check out ( dont)

lol that same guy might also play Football the mmo rpg ( aka fantasy football)