
I like Force India. They punch above their weight, don't make a fuss like certain other teams, and, of course, are the remnants of my beloved former Jordan F1 team (via Midland and Spyker). Last year, I daresay, they had one of the most attractive cars on the grid, too. Not so this year. As someone else mentioned,

I have met Mads a few times at some local rallys a few years back, he is really a nice humble guy, and pretty sharp sense of humor too.

Nalgene Everyday Silo Water Bottle.

Nalgene Everyday Silo Water Bottle.

That's a sweet goofy foot ollie!

I like how he uses the arm to brace himself against the other seat rather than using it to steer the car.

Brewing Classic Styles is the BEST beer recipe book out there. Hands down. Radical Brewing is good, but it's often radical for the sake of radical (IMO). I actually found my dusty copy of it today, and I'm going to go back through it, but Brewing Classic Styles is the bomb.

"No, no, no. I said wench. Please send me a wench. It gets lonely up here."

No need to wait, $125 each on tire rack. About half the price of what I normally pay for BMW tires, so not bad.

Are you just dumping this right in your driveway? Must not have a homeowners association around.

What bugs me most about this is that they've now promoted & sacked two dedicated, Ferrari in the blood, long time company men who by all accounts were effective in their previous roles. You can cut the lizard's tail off all you want, but you'll just end up with a shitty lizard with a new tail.

"I reckon I'll give it the old Scandinavian Flick!"

I have a mk2. Has about 80 hp. Great little car.

They don't have to be manual-only, we just want the option.

The ever excellent Sniff Petrol had some other intriguing Ecclestone news yesterday:

Thanks David Hobbs.

I really enjoyed this article....

I'll just stick with the traditional technique of jamming my finger in the oil, screaming in pain and wrapping my finger in butter while cursing at the oil spitting into my eye when one handedly dunking my food. Its how my grandfather did it and its fine by me dammit.

I'll just stick with the traditional technique of jamming my finger in the oil, screaming in pain and wrapping my