
There's nothing fictional about Senna. It is basically a documentary.

So, Hamilton vs Rosberg isn't good enough for you?

The better bet is to buy the equally broke but not as dead last Lotus Team.

Exact thought same thought I had!

They handle better than a Mitsubishi Mirage and a Geo Tracker. But they still aren't sufficient enough for me.

I could give a shit about how much money their overloaded pockets lose. Fuck you Fiat. No one cares about your pity party shit and whether your going to make a profit or not. If you ask me, it's poor product development/management if you can't forecast revenue loss/gain before you agree to build plans.

"He thinks he's skinney dipping in private.... but I know. I KNOW."

* May not apply to all vehicles

I want to ask an honest question: Is Block taken seriously by other drivers and the 'real' rally community? Or is he just a caricature of a real racer, propped up by his shoe company and monster energy drinks?

I feel like Block crashes every fucking race.

The car is a development mule even if the body work looks closer to production, so they need to have a way of mounting the external instruments and occasionally drag a fifth wheel data acquisition system behind the car to gather performance data.

See, because STINGRAY!!

Any of the GM shitboxes built between 1978 and 1985 that came equipped with a diesel engine; like this Oldsmobile Cutlass.

The catacaysmically awful Oldsmobile Diesels. I'm not sure what all they were put int but the cutlass diesel for sure was a train wreck in mobile form. The engine was apallingly awful and shook out all its internals, the car had the build quality of an ice cream sandwich in the sahara desert, and the fuel economy

The Cavalier was a tremendous shit box. That they're still on the road does not make this fact any less true.

Right? Really impressive watching the wheelwork from inside the car. Never overreacts, seems to be making minor corrections while the car's still in the air, anticipating the angle the car'll be at when he lands.

May 1 marks the anniversary of the death of Formula One legend Ayrton Senna, one of the greatest racing drivers the

While this is wonderful news, I hope it doesn't devalue my million dollar collection of Warhol ASCII Art penises.

I'm gonna tip my hat to the team behind the Camry. Because you know there's amazing design and engineering talent, probably unlimited resources (a budget that could fund dozens of boutique supercar makers, all rolled into 1 car), and the success of one of the world's largest carmakers riding on your shouders. And you

Possibly. I'm sure there is some logic to the rule, I just don't know what it is!