Frank W. Doom

So Uber is not joining the nationwide protest for (a) fair minimum wage.

I’ve said this over and over again, however, I’ll repeat it. Just because you have photos of the crash site that show deceased people, doesn’t mean you should post them for the whole world to see. It is disrespectful to not only the victims but also their families. I don’t mind posting the crash site, however, please

Jag X-Type looked so cool

Now playing

Where they fail is where the Lesabre shines!

Yes yes, interesting...but tell me more about the “New Happy Endings Episode” announcement on the cover page. Please. PLEASE.

Yup. I got better fuel mileage in a loaded U-Haul towing my Viper than I ever got in the Viper.

Needs more Ho, Ha-Ha, Guard, Turn, Parry, Dodge, Spin, Ha, Thrust

That’s nice of you. I probably would have just driven her car out of my way onto the grass and then pulled through.


Here’s another one:

On the other side of the spectrum: Reinhardt vs Reinhardt is the HAPPIEST Overwatch match up.

Just start swinging wildly non-stop while smiling like a kid. YAAAAAAAAAAY

Reinhardt fights are THE BEST.

I have small quibbles with these rankings, but they are basically correct. The main error most Pop Tart eaters make is not recognizing that, generally, non-frosted Pop Tarts are far superior to frosted Pop Tarts. All frosted Pop Tarts taste like basically the same thing—pure sugar—which is an okay thing, but something

I may have found you some spare parts in better shape......

Yeah, let’s just merge into one lane as early as possible and leave road space unused, that way we can maximize congestion and make traffic jams much longer!

It’s probably equipped with a rear-facing camera that automatically uploads footage to a 11foot8-style website.

Oatmeal raisin cookies suck, though.

Its that non - nutritive cereal varnish. Works great on sleds too.

How much less? 7?

I did not know Sam Rothstein owned Red Bull...