Franks and frijoles

Elon sure seemed like a nervous wreck. Does he always talk that way?

These pre-reveal videos are obscenely boring.

But I bet people are eating the hell out of it.

Dude, OPSEC!

I have a feeling a lot of this is going on on multiple levels with various services.

I hope that you get out of the Gawker umbrella sooner rather than later...

Here here. The folks who get off on these videos, for rage or titillation purposes confuse me. Volunteer to go out into the mix if it suits you, stop living by proxy and helping the bad guys get wider free PR.

I’ve been in the Army since 2006 with trips to fun places. Trust me, I don’t need to watch the video to know what extremists are capable of. They win when they get this kind of sensationalized coverage. They win by creating some sort of east vs west conflict. They win by dividing people. There are already rumblings of

Okay, let me put it like this. ISIS is a supervillain who get their power by being punched and beaten. Your solution: Punch and Beat them.

For everyone calling for restrictions on refugees, or posting insults about Muslims, congratulations on doing exactly what these terrorists want. They want all the refugees sent back, they want Muslims to read insults and feel othered, they want you angry and stupid over this. Turning back refugees and making ordinary

I want to quickly point out that this attack is likely due to Muslim extremists, but DEFINITELY NOT due to Islam as a whole. Do not allow ISIS to drive a wedge between Islam and the rest of the world, for that would only further the extremist agenda.

Thousands of mid 20's men who have secretly had a crush on her for years will finally have an excuse to see her in concert.

I just think a bunch of fucking college administrators are the last people on earth who are qualified to properly carry out an investigation into a criminal act. So many competing priorities and political angles - bad for victims, bad for due process.

I saw the story’s title and immediately thought “Diana Moskovitz wrote this”, and then “Man, Baylor’s fucked.”

No soldier can properly soldier w/o a PT belt

You can throw in IFVs, armored cars, and MRAPs in there if you want even more armored vehicle fun.


We probably agree that the Key West accord is dumb and that the army should be able to operate what ever CAS aircraft they want to, although I suspect they would prefer more apaches over A10s.

Regardless of brand, god what a pretty car. THIS to me is what Cadillac probably used to mean to people: something you really want, which i do, and I’m not exactly a luxury car buyer.

Not pretty either, but we still love it!