
That Biden is the front runner in the democrat party of the USA in 2019 is ALL you need to know. 

Gimme a hybrid and I might, might trade in my Scion XB. Might.


Funny article, but as with most humor there is more than a grain of truth here about the hypocrisy of those who wish to lecture we, the great unwashed masses.

Uh oh, Cadillac’s worst nightmare is coming true. A deep dark recession on the horizon- which spells belt tightening. And Lincoln has awakened from the dead to take a bite out of their taxpayer funded lunch money. It’s been said MILLIONS of times but apparently Caddy management lives in another universe, you spend the

I said it on another forum and Herr Juechter is already on record as stating the paddles already control the downshifts, AND pulling both paddles back puts the engine in ‘Neutral’ and releases both clutches. Add in a pedal, shifter mechanism (software connected, rather than rods and linkages) and software revisions

I like the idea of having a national conversation on this issue. We need to do that on MANY issues actually. We should not, however, delude ourselves into thinking that this will necessarily influence policy on this matter. A nation facing extraordinary circumstances will likely use WHATEVER means necessary despite

I think the most revealing comment was from a development engineer who talked about them developing the engine after they developed the in cylinder model of the desired combustion characteristics first. THEN, he said they designed the engine around that. The goal was good power with reasonable fuel consumption- likely

Comment of the day!

GM phoned in the new “Blazer,” but it was a long distance phone call- from Mexico. 

Get that tatoo NOW! And show it off proudly to those of us who know it as an alternator. 

Bob Lutz confirmed this some time ago. I don’t recall ever seeing any sketches of the car though. 

THIS is why I come here- to get deep dive stuff I can’t find other places. I have to say, I’m DEEPLY impressed by what the Corvette team have been able to make- especially under 60k. Think about it folks, it’s cheaper than a top end Camaro or mustang.  I’m stoked about this car.

A real, small, affordable truck? I think it might sell- lol.  It would be great if Hyundai could keep it under 35 loaded and give it reasonable capability. In fact, I suggest using the Niro/Ioniq platform as a basis, given it the hybrid capacity as well, but retrofit it for 4wd, much like Toyota did with their Prius. 

Details viewed in isolation are not indicative of the whole. I sure hope GM design remembered that this is the halo vehicle for most of the USA for GM. I sure hope they kept the pickup and camaro designers FAR away from the design studio, but this rear end view, if accurate, is not hopeful.

When electric cars become the new standard a new paradigm will take over. Honda has a history of doing this, first the Honda Cub that put them on the map in Japan and made a huge impact on the world, enabling Honda to grow into the company it has become. Then, when the “Big three” said the 1975 emissions standards

Hey Julian, who advocates for the baby?  Who pines for justice for the one killed?  If you really want to talk about justice, acknowledge you CAN’T HAVE justice when we condone murder of the innocent. 

At FIRST glance of the profile I thought I was looking at an updated Golf cabrio. Remember those????!  HM, VW could use a lower price cabrio at that.......

That’s pretty stratospheric power indeed. Guess we’ll wait to see what they are like on the road won’t we? I’m curious, since the ‘Vette’ franchise is now going mid engined with current power levels, how they are getting this to stick to the road.

Thank you for your educated insights. If our nation is getting the leadership it deserves, does it not also follow that we are getting the weapons system that we deserve? You are totally spot on- this aircraft seems not designed for airsuperiority so much as to fleece the most amount of money for those involved in it.