
Bean counters at automakers are NOT your friend. This is the group of people who advocated that Ford NOT equip Ford Pintos from the factory with a safeguard to prevent gas tank explosion in a rear crash- documentation in a trial showed an internal Ford memo that it was cheaper to pay off the injured and families of

A huge problem is drivers are endlessly distracted by the lure of texting and surfing while “Somewhat” driving. This is not an isolated issue, but an endemic one- I’ve even seen police officers doing the balancing the phone on the steering wheel act while driving next to them in city traffic.

SNorting my coffee through the nose- three quarters of a million dollars? For modification of an EXISTING auto? I thought cocaine addled people died out with Miami Vice reruns.

Love it! Ho about a new Coalamino?


They were NOT well vetted, not by a longshot. Read the first chapter of “See something, say nothing” for how our gov’t systemically ignored those who may well wish us harm.

Nicely said.

Engineering resources at GM are pretty badass, I understand they corrected some of this for ‘17 production.

Hacksputtercough. LOL

Every single issue you list applies to supercharged engines as well as the turbo’d ones.

My heart breaks for these women who were likely abused here, and their being ignored for years. May they be comforted by Almighty God and find peace and comfort for their pain.

You are darned right they are good. I’ve owned over 20 ‘verts and they are the body style I love most of all in a vehicle.

HHMM, a manual trannie version of this might be an interesting vehicle to replace my Scion XB when the time comes. Is the 2wd version FWD ?

Can I add a wish to the Camaro “Dreamlist” for the product guys working on the NEXT gen? Give us a v-8 with twin turbos instead of the supercharger- freeing up the high parasitic losses of the supercharger would give us a welcome boost to power production while minimizing any sort of turbo lag. Of course, the 6.2

Holy crap, these guys are SERIOUS about their Camaro. If they don’t stop they will get the idiots who harken back to 1970s Camaros lameness with bad mullet jokes in a lather.

MEmo to Ford-

In the old days we had big monster v-8s and were really thrilled when a car actually went around a corner without sliding off the road, or got itself stopped without brakes fading into the sunset. But man, when the road was straight and the sun shining there was nothing like those sleds for driving. Drop the top and

This likely won’t be approved, given the leftist, progressive bent of this web site- but the simple fact is that Hillary DID. as secretary of state, give authorization for a Russian firm, to purchase the rights to 20% of our uranium ore. There are restrictions on what can be done with the ore, but this fact is in

Kudos to GM for re introducing the diesel in the new Cruze, and major kudos for doing so with a manual transmission as well. Bravo, well done.

My fave car from the 2017 NAIAS was the unheralded Volvo V90 wagon in all its naked glory. Comfortable, well made and very high end inside and with a sweet wagon body it radiated “Buy me.” My second fave was the new Malibu that had really comfortable interior and seems poised to be a new fave.