
THIS cold make me buy my first new Buick since my 1987 Grand National. Bring it on Buick, especially with the dual sky pane roof and v6 engine.

Absolutely correct.

I may well be in the minority but DAMN that thing is ugly. Not Prius bad dream ugly, but open your wallet to do THIS to a Corvette ugly! The question has to be asked, maybe they should have just not done this at all. It reminds me so much of the little Nissan Pulsar of decades ago that had a rear hatch you could swap

Turbos can compensate for the mile high altitude. Also different cab configuration and transmissions affect the outcome. But yeah, 450hp usually defeats 411- even if all other factors are equal- which they weren’t here.

GM could have given us a new way to “Roll the coal”

Sorry Jason, this appears to be the side trim piece that is breaking. If Mr “X” is dragging his ass across the seat, snagging the trim piece then it’s his issue. If the trim piece is flimsy and poorly designed then it’s a manufacturer issue. Does Mr X snag his butt on the other vehicles he owns?

This man, like all others is entitled to his opinion. Just because he is a talented driver does not mean his opinion means more than any other citizen.

Sedans are a dying breed right now. Crossovers are the new and hot thing. A minivan is the most practical for many, but considered “Uncool” by most. There is great potential here, IF VW screws up the courage to expend the money to build it. The business case has to be made, and it it is sound the buyers are already

If America IS rising again, then it follows that GM is producing great automobiles again.

The fire in the coal bunker is nothing new, this was known, discussed and investigated in Walter Lord’s book on the titanic in the 1950s, and, as the article discusses, was known at the time of the sinking. Coal bunker fires are nothing new in coal fueled ships and there are NOT “Inevitable” explosions much of the

LOL, funny and a little sad. The pop Diva just became a PLOP diva.

Michael I am no aircraft expert but I strongly disagree with you. There is no real need for the vert take off version outside the “Corps.” The F-35 is a fracking mess and has shit loads of cost over runs and constantly revised downwards performance deltas. It smacks more of “Gee whiz” than “Oh shit” on my BS meter.

MAny thumbs up for you, brothers in arms of zaniness.

Wow, how did the production engineers at Dodge/Chry-fiatco NOT catch this laughable pre production error? That’s got to be at least a full inch of error, if not more. This type of thing is laughable on a vehicle like the perpetually delayed Elio- its damning to a vehicle that can easily climb over $50,000.

No having actually drove one of these I find myself saying “Crack pipe”-

Very cool, and might actually be useful done the worst component in mosyodern cars is the loose nut behind the wheel

Good for you- enjoy your new ride!

Except you know when you have to get to work or take your kids to school, when there are often few other options available. I do have to admit that several times I have taken a few detours though with much better cornering and scenery- life is too short not to isn’t it?

Manual trannies are beloved by many of we enthusiasts, but not by manufacturers for a few reasons-