Francis Parsons

Did their clothes fall off instantly?

I was on Jeopardy. I lost. I had great buzzer technique. I just didn't know the final question.

"And, actually, as TV character novelty albums go, this one isn’t too bad."

Shoebox?! Pure hedonistic luxury.

* its utmost

The Plep. Not just Plep. He's THE Plep.

"I consider myself pretty well-informed about music, too"

Some of us have jobs.

Look like those clowns in congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns.

Yes, feeding the poor would be better. So would writing songs. I mean, I take at face value all you say, and your assessment of your death is well-put (and eerily mirrors my own probable end), but the fact is if you joined the Peace Corps or went on a trip to Haiti to give out medicine or something your life would

It is a sickness. Season 2 of Heroes cured me of it.

Exactly! I should have said that.

I said when this movie was first hinted at: hire a Russian to a play a Russian. Or hire Bryan Cranston to play an American thug. Why the stupid accent, which he can't do? There is no reason for it, and it's so bad it makes the whole thing seem like a terrible comedy.

Now you know better. This movie was garbage.

It's this generation's "A-Team." You're not missing anything good.

Twenty?? Like, less than one book every two weeks? Wow. I'm pretty sure a wanna-be writer should be reading more.


By "pretentious," do you happen to mean "Extremely well-spoken, informed, and self-effacing"? Because if you do, then yes.

Brilliantly said.

Brilliantly said.