Francis Parsons

Cray is certainly a word. It's a collection of phonemes that conveys meaning. You clearly have no understanding at all of linguistics, and also have a prescriptivist stick up your ass.

That's the way to engage in serious discussion! Use the phrase "hiding under your whore mother's skirt"!

Well, the jerk store called, and they're out of you.

"they need to get in and get out in 90 minutes."

Ha! An excellent zinger! Truly, the jape of the season.

Your mom's cameo in my bedroom got a few yuks.

Take your snob schtick someone else, Professor Highbrow.

If you listened to the video your question would be answered.

You sure like to comment repeatedly on how dumb superhero movies are. I bet it feels nice to be so judgmental and superior. Except deep on the inside, where the self-loathing is.

"most superhero movies are among the worst movies that come out in whatever year they come out"

"Genuine"? They are subjective assessments written by people. Different people will have different reactions to the same medium. Sometimes the same people's assessments even change upon reflection, as human assessments sometimes do. They are not official rankings.

You just didn't understand its brilliance. You're tied to your bourgeois notions that film as an art piece must needs be "coherent" and "interesting" and "well-acted" and "engaging on some human level."

I don't know it. I've never heard it. I have made it a point of pride not to encounter things which I know I'll dislike. I have also never listened to a Nickelback song all the way through.

I agree that this album shouldn't be included on this list because the fact that a band like Bad Religion plays sacred songs straight, no irony or bullshit, and plays them well, but also transforms them into punk songs that sound quite Bad Religion-y, is actually kind of interesting.

So, not an example at all, then.

Why are all musicians so incredibly illiterate? It's funniest when they try to use grandiose language. They don't even know how stupid they sound.

I love, love this feature.

I don't know what the hell is going on. Who the fark is Zack Morris? This article doesn't even mention the TV show that character is from. I don't even know who Mark-Paul Gosselaar is. I'm old and you bright loud world confuses and scares me.

There's nothing wrong with winning, or wanting to win —- in a legitimate contest. It's the brain-dead drooling moronic power trip of introducing new people to a "game" by making sure you beat them. Like if your friends were professional boxers and wanted you to get into the sport, "you know, for fun," then didn't

Don't be stupid. Obviously the art was originally in black and white, made with the only kind of paint that existed back then - black and white. But as the world colorized, the art did too, as did everything in the world.