Francis Parsons

I love "One Week." I also love Lou Reed and Bob Dylan and Miles Davis. People who hate "types" of music are boring.

Seriously, if the point of your posts is that you're a stupid dick blowhard, point made and taken.

* its

Me too.

Agreed. "Edgy" has a cool, indifferent connotation that this guy probably never approaches; I imagine him leaning his 350 lbs back in his recliner as he shoves fistful after fistful of "Dead Flesh of Animals"-itos into his cavernous maw.

Because he was convicted wrongfully.

You would have been 19? You died?

Anyone who even so much as cracks a smile during that vomitously bad "buffoon and dean of college admission" sketch should be sterilized.

Only in this friggin' show can a guy with two guns drawn on him go for a gun in the back of his pants, get a shot off, leap away, and roll into a hostage-taking position with a previously armed and dangerous opponent in his arms.

Only in this friggin' show can a guy with two guns drawn on him go for a gun in the back of his pants, get a shot off, leap away, and roll into a hostage-taking position with a previously armed and dangerous opponent in his arms.