Steel Fox

The more I watch this show the more it feels like the prequel to Silent Hill.

I think you mis-understand the problem. All the steps you outlined are outside the ability of your average user. I have spent the better part of my life doing tech support. The average user have problems wrapping their mind around the username and password field when logging in. They don’t know what a URL is or have

This has always been my head cannon for the movie. I had hoped there would be a sequel where someone realized the writer of the show had to know alien tech in order for the Thermians to be able to build the ship. Ideally finding the original Protector in the process.

Can anyone recommend a good commercially available mead? I can usually find Chaucers Mead in stores, but well even without knowing anything about mead I am sure it must be the crappiest mead you are likely to buy.

I think I know where they got their inspiration from...

As much as it pains me to agree with someone named "m4sterdubst3p". I don't see how their system is that much more efficient than just letting the water drip. Both systems require a pump to move the water. I don't see how wind could be adding anything into this system that gravity could not. And at no point does it

I recommend the following link:

In a world gone wrong, one man just wanted to eat some tacos.

Crap that was supposed to be a reply to one of the other posts

Obvious advertising bot is obvious.

It's not designed to be a practical get around device. Its sole purpose is to hang in the air for 60 seconds and raise 10 feet. No one plans to fly this thing around town.

actually they have been doing that for a while. They are called IPS stem cells. They aren't quite as versatile as embryonic stems, but no one gets pissy when you make a bunch of IPS cells.

I think we need an in depth study of how Foxcon is handling its workers, because it seems to be the polar opposite of how you should.

Gasp...shock...Fox news reporting untruths.

Spoken like a true RIAA shill sir. Good job.

I've been reading the free books from Google books for several months now. Great way to get at the classics. I just finished reading Captain Blood . I highly recommend it for anyone who likes the Pirates of the Caribian movies and has a tolerance for 18th century speach.

Personally I never had a problem with google glasses looks. I do have a problem with them not really being as useful as I had hoped. I guess they might be useful for some specific applications and people that need updates constantly available. For myself I can't think of anything these can do that I wouldn't just pull

I bought one of the other Duo models a while back. The thing makes me a little sad every time I use it. Dell obviously intended it to compete with the ipad instead of considering that it is actually a laptop. As a result it has 2 USB ports and a headphone jack. That's it, no video out no network jack. And the battery

Not sure how I feel about this.