Steel Fox

This used to be one of our favorite pass times back in the day, only with anime. The Chinese knockoffs you could buy for 5 buck was often worth the investment in hilarity. If you wanted to have any idea what was going though on you had to have seen it before or pay for a legit copy.

I'm pretty sure that the reason they are so focused on one target at the moment is that once they have a decisive victory they can then use it as a precident for other cases against other companies. A which point apple will be the only ones allowed to make "rectangular computing devices".

Imagine if auto manufacturers or tv manufacturers fought this hard over design. It is rediculous what apple is doing here. It looks like abuse of the patent system to me, but hen again I'm not a patent lawyer.

Nah, it's for probing science. Find some science out there you can find out what kind of scientific you've got. "Oh look, I found biology!"

When I first learned about counting in different bases I often wondered if there was a magic base that would make all the crazy physics constants come out even. Now that you say that I can't help but wonder if it would be more about how we defined time.

That study was actually done years ago. Don't remember what it was called otherwise I'd post a link. The end result was, yes you can totally live entirely from ordering things from the internet. I imagine that it is even more true now

If I get bored in the near future I think I may write a little app that shows you the contents of 0xB16B00B5 in real time. I'm sure whoever wrote the code is neither the first or the last to use that memory address.

you'd probably be better off "updating" your email address to a non existent one. I doubt they keep the data for old email addresses, but I am sure they keep old account data on file.

Thank you Dashlane for letting us know that you are yet another crappy spamoriffic company. Advertising tip: People HATE spam.

The perfect hiding place

You get used to it after a little bit, but if you really hate the metro ui there is a reg hack that gets the old start menu back.

For Each kajigger As Whatchacallit in doohickies

As soon as I saw the backpack in the article I immediately though it looked suspiciously like Adam's climbing rig.

For studies like this they usually only consider identical twins, because like you said fraternal twins wouldn't have the same genetics. Based on the nature of the study I would imagine that they were only considering identical twins that were geographically separated.

I have decided I am sick and tired of all this anti-cyber bulling crap that is comming out. A cyber bully is the weakest form of bully your child is likely to encounter in their life. If they cannot deal with someone being a jerk to them on the internet then they are far to coddled. If your child cannot handle a cyber

One of the sources of glass as a liquid myth is that a lot of old timey window panes are thicker on the bottom than the top. Truth is that they couldn't make glass as flat as they can now and one end was always thinker than the other, so they would use the thicker end on the bottom because it was easier to mount that

rough guess tells me that this cake is probably 90-95% fondant. Therefore it is not a delicious cake, it is awful sugary pasty goo with some cake underneath. Fantastic work of art, not delicious

Actually, one running theory is that the Mona Lisa is actually Leonardo's boy toy. Can't remember his name at the moment though.

Monkey steals the peach...

If the figure on the left is Bart and the one on the right is lisa, it appears that Bart is looking up and Lisa is bending down crap I can't watch the Olympics now.