Steel Fox

I agree. Love the idea, but not sure if I like the idea of Anon software running on my machine. I doubt they would do anything to my computer, but I'm not sure I want to be inadvertently part of a DoS attack or something.

I've played that game...

Alright this mentality of "OMG silent engines mean silent Blind people slaughtering machines" is total and complete bullshit. Most car manufacturers spend a lot of time and money making the engine as quiet as they can. Almost none of the nose a car makes going down the road is the engine.

I believe what you are looking for is "". You won't see the NSFW articles if you use that link at work.

I understand why its not on the list, but those few that have seen Zardoz know it is the worst sci-fi movie ever made.

I've always been that way. I never feel any better it is just hard to think and move. The only time I drink anymore is if my mucles are really tight and I am too tired to stetch properly.

Stars wanted way more money than anyone else and since most people watch TV shows instead of movies via Netflix, they gave Stars the boot.

They are talking about creating an OLED display using inkjet technologies. There are similar attempts to manufacture solar panels and flexible circuits in the same way. If it pans out the way everyone expects it will be very cheap and fast to produce electronics this way.

Wait. There's a shower in that picture? I should look again [drool]...

No such luck. I strongly suspect there is an undocumented way of doing it. Or it is documented and i'm not looking for it correctly.

It looks really good, really good, but there doesn't appear to be any way to change the user agent yet. Good old about:debug only takes you to chrome://debug which doesn't really do anything. I am sure there is some way to do it.

I'm not terribly surprised. For many years the only way I ever used Norton to detect a virus was if Norton was installed but mysteriously not running anymore there was a 9 in 10 chance there was a virus on the machine.

That's what I get for not reading the article

First 3 moves, rook takes rook.

When I installed win 8 developer on my laptop. The upgrade went very smoothly. Since I upgraded from 7 to 8 it even remembered my icon locations. Got almost all my drivers as well. I was impressed.

Meh, talk to me when they get a patent for headbutt to unlock.

I imagine if you could put together a man portable laser rifle with a decent effective range you would have a sniper's wet dream. No muzzle flash, no sound, no worries about windage, no bullet flight time, Just a hole where you put the crosshair.

From wikipedia: