Steel Fox

Yes but nightsoil (aka human manure) is a really bad idea. Great way spread disease via your veggies.

I built a wrist mount for my phone a little over a year ago. It is pretty handy. If I was missing an arm this would be the answer for me.

I always assumed the recipe was something like: mix equal parts sugar and ass, bake then paint with your favorite lead based paints.

Every LARPer I have met has been a bit off and not in a good way.

Knowing the acronyms doesn't make you a cool kid. You just can't be a cool kid if you don't know them. One day though day : )

Ironically being vegan would probably make you more tasty for a shark. Most shark attacks end after one bite most likely because we taste awful.

Um...The radishes were genetically modified to make the protein. They don't produce it naturally. It could have been any plant or even a colony of bacteria.

Anyone else see the picture and think "wow that's a big flashlight"?

Gotta add in the Japanese War Tuba!

It Slices!

hmmm Iotatron radio. Sounds like a FTL communication device from a 1950's scifi show. Course I wonder if I would think it sounded as weird if I grew up calling it that.

I have a prediction for you all:

I think I'll wait for Pointy Rock 2.1 to release. I heard there were some compatibility issues with Pointy Rock 2.0 and Sharpened Stick 1.3.

Makes me want to sick two Dr Spaitso on each other.

Me either, think someone fat fingered a tag somewhere or something.

I wonder how long it will take television networks to realize that digital distribution is the future. I figure its only a matter of time(not much time at that) before networks are having more of their content delivered through the internet than cable or over the air. If the networks don't start shifting to a more

If caffeine inhibits skin cancer I must be completely immune to it by now.

I spent 2 years in Europe, ever since then all american chocolate tastes like weak carob flavored wax. I think the problem comes from 90% of the american chocolate uses less coco butter and is a very weak milk chocolate. This a common problem across most of the american candy companies. Dove is the only chocolate I