Steel Fox

The problem is that the average turn around time from discovery to product in consumer hands is about 10 years. In fact I think we are getting to a point that innovation is so far outstripping this 10 year gap that some products might be obsolete 8 years before they are mass produced.

The real problem I see with the NSTIC is that they are really going to do anything. Really that is their job to not actually do anything, but instead give "vision" (don't get me started on the uselessness of vision statements). They aren't supposed to come up with a standard or even useful suggestions. All they can do

Looks like what would happen if the new Bumble Bee turned himself into a bicycle.

Kids will pierce ANYTHING these days... :)

It was probably just a contact lense version of the high contrast filter you see on some sniper scopes. Makes everything yellow, but it does make it easier to pick out shapes in low light conditions.

In fact, it looks like all the plastic parts are made of the same plastic they are printing with. It wouldn't surprise me to find out they are using their own printer to construct those bits.

I bet you could get some really interesting effects if you mixed this stuff and some electromagnets. I suspect the putty is conductive, so you'd have to cover the magnets in something... but sill.

When I click on that link bing doesn't tell me anything about flight times...

Ok I get the tablet interface for manuals, but why iPads? There are waaaay cheeper options to do the same thing.

My town has had these for years. No one has been using them until recently though.

I was thinking something similar. To prove what this guy is trying to prove you wouldn't take the entire length into account only a similar point on the two car pictures. Like the front or rear bumper. Using the entire length of the car would skew the results in his favor. So by this guy's calculations he is going a

My legal knowlage is limited to a couple dozen episodes of LA Law, but this sounds a lot like conflic of interest. I didn't think judges were allowed to judge in a situation like this.

@CaptainJack: don't forget Fox also cancels shows for stupid reasons. The Tick was actually getting really good ratings, but the wrong audiance was watching it, so they canned it.

@Norbs: maybe they already are that might explain why Bing search results are so damn crappy

You know the ad has to be pretty bad if Sony is backing out of it. Considering the crazy crap they put out in the past.

"Attention New York:

@Polebull: Yes, but I wouldn't be surpized to find out something like this gets posted every week or so.

They are better with a gun!