
I disagree with all of your assertions. “Took all of the teased items and made them irrelevant. (Snoke, Reys Lineage, Knights of Ren, any reasoning behind Rey being a super awesome force user without any training)“

Pedantry aside, I appreciate this deep dive into the two different classification systems used by the growers and the cooks. Obviously I’m more familiar with the grower’s definition, even if I have way more practical experience as a cook. Thanks. The troll is definitely lame.

ICE under Trump is a jack booted gestapo. That doesn’t change the fact that “small business owners” (the actions in the linked article were taken against franchised locations) who use undocumented laborers bot exploit the desperate immigrants just trying to provide for themselves and their loved ones, and undermine

A fruit is a plant with edible sex organs. It has seeds inside. A vegetable is a plant with an edible stem or root. Tomatos, having seeds in edible part, are a fruit. He needs to pick a different fruit. :)  </pedantry>

He is playing an acoustic electric. It is essentially an acoustic with a pickup built inside. When the camera is on his left you can see the cable behind this elbow. There is a hint of distortion being put on the solo in every instance, but it is a tone that can be achieved with the reverb or overdrive function that

Be Our Guest is so not worth it, either. Its standard production line entrees and small plates like a dozen other counter service eateries in the park. They just table deliver the food using rfid to locate customers. I do not understand why it is still so popular 2 years after opening.

Her JVDB in DTTB was spot on, if only a single scene.

As a former Bucs fan (I dropped the NFL all together like 3 or 4 seasons ago) what truly shocks me is Gruden still has a rep as a good coach. He is a brilliant schemer and can do wonders with smart, skilled, veterans, but his player development, and possibly evaluation skills, are essentially non-existent. I have not

Ishmael has it right. It is all Dan Harmon who creates phenomenal stuff but is a difficult human being to work with, or even be around, by his own admission.

Yea, but Brent really does have “it” going on...

I tend to think Del Toro is a grossly overrated hack. The only movie of his I liked was Blade 2. Even Pacific Rim was fun butforgettable to me, which is not what I consider praise. All that said, the only Del Toro project I did get hyped about was At the Mountains of Madness, which at first I think James Cameron was

Too bad tax package was written explicitly to allow politicsl contributions to flow through 501cs so now all that dark money can be anonymous. Not sure if charitable deductions were left in tact, so maybe they will not qualify for tax deductions... but they probably will. Heh.

I actually quoted Rick here to a coworker to explain what Minecraft was to him because his son was getting into it. I knew I had grabbed “you mine stuff to craft, and craft stuff to mine” somewhere, but forgot the source.

“After centuries of being King Shit, some of them are hurt and confused by being called out.”

The soul stone by its self, to my knowledge, cannot reanimate the dead. It can take souls, including of the dying/dead, inside its self where they seem to live in an isolated world. It seems reasonable to think the Necropolis, where T’Challa communes with the living spirits of all the previous Black Panthers, may be

While I like Harmon’s creative product, Community, Monster House, Rick and Morty, he seems kind of terrible to have to deal with as a person. I couldn’t sit through all of Harmontown, and I can’t bear the idea of trying to listen to one of his Podcasts. It’s not hard for me to see how his stuff wouldn’t be somebody’s

Did you like Community? Are you open to a much more relentlessly nihilistic take on the absurd struggle of existence than you got from Community? If so, it’s pretty good. But it was episodes 4-7 that sold me.

Funny thing, it was actually episodes 4-7 that sold me. I don’t know if it’s “brilliant,” but like Community, there’s a an existentialist “Why keep doing when nothing matters” nihilism that hooked me. It’s definitely not for everybody, and it’s not as “cheery” as Community was either.

I will say nothing about the Disneyland version, but this speculation completely falls apart for Florida, as Galaxy’s Edge is being literally built behind the existing Star Tours.

Dragon’s Lair and Space Ace were both released for Steam in 2015 or 2016. I almost bought them, then I found the videos on YouTube where people were completing the game in like 10 minutes if they executed the memorized QEDs correctly. I decided it wasn’t worth the $1/minute for content they had priced it at...