
I came here looking for a comment like this from you. Thanks for your consistent awesome contributions.

Stargirl was already on Legends. I do not see Jack Knight leaving the pages ever. Which is okay. He can’t be diminished that way.

I think a lot of people would benefit from Fred’s historical analysis of White Evangelicalism. It is illuminating to see the through line from its origin as a justification for Slavery to their current position in the culture wars and how it has always essentially been a movement for maintaining an unjust social

This is way late, but I literally just bought this using the promo code at the $180, but you have to go all the way to checkout to enter the promo code and see the price. Hope you saw this or Greenjayo’s reply soon enough.

This is way late, but I literally just bought this using the promo code at the $180, but you have to go all the way

Yes. It is not a poison so much as a irritating oil. The oil that causes the reaction can be spread. This is why its recommended you change and wash after exposure. The leaves probably made contact with somewhere close and then the normal friction of the deed spread it.

“Although the goal of affirmative action policy is to address the large-scale problems, there are probably isolated incidents of white people who have been hurt by affirmative action. But they probably didn’t work hard enough or had parents who were willing to sacrifice. Or maybe they just need to pull themselves up

“What has a doughnut ever done to you?”

Contributed to my diabetes. It’s okay. Now I just don’t get to eat doughnuts. 

He is not wrong.

This was great.

Wish I had seen your comment before cranking out three paragraphs on my phone saying the same thing. Doh! You’re right though.

I am certain race is a factor for a host of reasons but I would guess that is secondary to a desire to harass and intimidate her for her refusal to pursue the death penalty.

This was not the Shade Court that makes my week complete. :(

I see your reasoning, but Billion dollar box offices are also effective at impressing the suits.

Mostly unrelated, but any time I see a Star Wars movie will is planned for a May release I just want to laugh. I would almost be willing to bet my savings account they all eventually push to December and Star Wars joins Santa Claus as a “Christmas” tradition. Disney would love that.

Based on the one special I watched... you nailed it.

What I find funny is I wrote her off after her first Netflix special for too many “I am not your usual woman,” “I am a guy’s type of gal” low hanging fruit jokes heh... maybe she’s confusing her own material with everybody else’s?

I think the answer is “whypipo.”

Yet somehow this will not be called terrorism.

Man, I wish she had time to go on tour again. So glad I caught her after Electric Lady came out.

Nobody. Just tweet it.