
If you have no product, you don’t want to leave empty shelf space for it. In retail, space costs money and you want every available inch of it containing product you have.

They fail to properly gauge demand so consistently across product offerings the only reasonable conclusion is that they do it intentionally.

You’re grossly under estimating the challenge of emulating for most people. This the Dunning–Kruger effect, specifically the part where an expert undervalued their expertise and over values the general understanding of the subject. People focus so much on the ignorant over estimating their their knowledge they forget

The kicker is how prevalent their under production “strategy” is. Even Amiibos have this problem. It’s like competent assessment of demand is simply beyond them.

Opportunity cost is a loss though. The loss of an opportunity. In this case, that opportunity was hundreds of thousands of units sold. Business 101 is trying to get supply as close to demand as possible. Nintendo actively works at failing to do this.

Failure to even try and get supply to match demand is a massive loss in opportunity cost and potential revenue. Factor in the cost benefit of scaling up production aand Nintendo is throwing away hundreds of thousands of potential sales and potential profit margin. Granted, this is Nintendo’s modus operandi, from

My only objection to this idea is that it has already been too long since Electric Lady dropped and she went on tour. Otherwise, more Janelle is always better.

Hard to say. About half of those who powered up (Original Beast, Young Iceman, Young Cyclops, Groot) willingly surrender the extra power they received. Gamora’s upgrade apparently “wore out” though she didn’t willfully surrender power with the others I just referred to. I still haven’t gotten to the story where that

A well-known university in Tennessee.

Don’t worry, it can be awful down here in Florida after dark just as easily.

Trump thinks it’s degrading. There was a leak after her first appearance that it very much upset the Hairpiece that Melissa did such a convincing Spicy Facts. It messed with his septuagenarian homophobic world view. I assume the author used degradation in order to refer to Trump’s reaction.

Miller came up working for Sessions before joining Team Trump, and he used to warm up the crowds at the rallies, so it’s a real possibility. I think getting laughed at by Morning Joe cost him points with the Boss though. From his interviews, I think he is the type of guy who would happily tell you about the serious

He gained cosmic powers in a Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men crossover called the Black Vortex. That power visually manifests as fire wings. How long he’ll retain it is unknown as other impacted characters lost their enhancements since. You can find it on Marvel Unlimited, just search under Guardians to find the

Even that would have been inaccurate as Magneto took a stint “leading” the X-Men and New Mutants in the 80s, though the X-Men were adult enough that Storm had already taken leadership over from Xavier. When Xavier decided to take an extended break (I think he went to space?) he had Magneto step in as head master of

This is because the people that are more or less described as the “Religious Right” today are mostly White Evangelicals Christians. White Evangelicalism, dating back to the 18th century at least, has always been about contorting The Bible, and Christianity, to justify slavery and oppression. It is not so much that

Marvel Unlimited for the win! Thanks for the guidance

This is a product of Dooku being the only character to use the light sabre discipline he did in the movies. Interestingly, as Lucas tried to use same fight choreographer for the light sabre battles (at least in the prequels if not all 6 of his movies) the 7 disciplines of light sabre techniques that would typically be

I would argue that Trent’s demonstration of how much success a team is capable of with a competent, but not good, quarterback is worthy of such recognition...

I think of it as mostly archetypal/cultural information, mainly because it does encode a lot of the common themes and archetypes of classical and european culture, like the four base elements fire, water, earth, and air as well as supposed values associated with those elements. Very Campbell Monomyth type stuff.

The Sword is associated with the element Air in the Tarot as well. It’s probably likely there are several versions of the myth that give some kind of “air” power or another, including possible foresight, due again to the Tarot associations for swords in general.