
While I don’t recall the numbers, he uses a different form in episode 1 with Maul, an acrobatic style he used as Qui-Gon’s padawan. In episode 3 he uses a new more defensive technique focused on defense and keeping you safe while your opponent exhausts themselves. This form also allows for well targeted strikes to

In a word, no. Your assumptions about “real” ocarinas are baseless. Most wind instruments have basic student/learner models made from plastic to reduce costs. The tone of plastic instruments may not be as rich or pleasing as those made of wood/metal/ceramic, but the mechanics of playing the horns, including fingering

Because then you would have to acknowledge that McDonald’s and their kind do not pay livable wages, and that there are not enough “better jobs” available for everybody to quit after high school and you couldn’t wax nostalgic about how good it was gor a summer job in 1976 when you still had widespread funding of things

I would like to move to this microstate... where do I apply for a visa/residency?

TWIST! Thiel himself is only gay because he sources his youthful blood from the conversion camp, that poor poor Billionaire. Quelle Horror!

And I was leaning towards “no” because I think it was accidental... I seem to recall deliberate intent is a vital component of Shade... maybe Kara is needed...

I am a huge fan of Janelle Monae, thanks to a write up on her Archandroid album I read on this very site that introduced me to her music.

A reasonable ruling.

Does LXG still get a pass for Connery when its public record he retired from acting due to his experiences with LXG?

A good quarterback is a luxury. A competent quarterback is a requirement.

Speedball’s cat, Niels.

As DroOnTheGo posted... I could see Belicheck coming in to pick him up at a discount easily. Beating up on the Dolphins and Jets is something he can offer too... Marshall wants to win.

It would fit Belicheck’s MO to snag him on the cheap at this point in his career like a hand in a custom made glove.

Did Kara give you the details on the Devil’s outfit after calling him in Shade Court this week?

I didn’t personally care for Shadow, the only one of his games I played, but this was funny. Thanks.

Not 100% sure but I believe the answer is “their tech are highly specialized living organisms, including their spaceship.” The whole “living organism as spaceship” thing is in Farscape, and MAAAAYBE Lexx as well? So it isn’t entirely unheard of...

For me, the consistent quality of Marvel’s Netflix offerings is what get me. The prerelease hype doesn’t do anything for me. I just want to know when the next hit is available.

In my opinion the real down turn in the season is after Cottonmouth’s plot resolves. It was such an intense high and they had nothing to follow it up with.

Realize this was forever ago, but I work for a power company here in the U.S. and wanted to reply to this.

This is why maintaining their delusions about the size of their base is so important to thid administration.