
I have always called it the George Lucas Effect.

This is so true. Having known enough before watching to know the thief was Roy, I actually found myself thinking “Oh look at him flipping around all over the place for no reason at all. That is such a Roy thing. I’m glad they remembered that aspect of his characterization.” Hah

All of these characters were in James Robinson’s JSA run that he started around 99 I believe, when he was finishing up his amazing Starman run from 94-01. Robinson sold me on those Golden/Silver Age retread characters he dug up for DC in the 90s and early 00s. He made them compelling and interesting. It was fun stuff.

This makes sense. I was imagining the grey goo would “metabolize” what it consumed into energy to power its self. I failed to consider the whole “consume to replicate” concept.

While “why bother with the gun when the ‘charging’ alone will destroy planetary systems” and the “movement” questions are ones I too share, the keeping it a secret thing can be explained with “Construction Beyond the Outer Rim where the only space faring society/government/institution is the First Order.”

If they consumed the Earth as they went down, what would provide the pressure at that given depth? My geology classes always gave me the impression the intense pressure as one approaches the core of the planet is primarily caused by the “weight” of the strata closer to the surface.

Did I miss something important while

I’m going to apologize now for being pedantic.

You’re date for God Bless the USA is way off. It was initially released in May of 1984. Though it did get a lot of replays in the early 90s thanks to a groundswell of USA! USA! patriotism triggered by the first Iraq conflict/Gulf War.

This is what happens when you have people spend two decades overemphasizing the influence of a single creator. While Lucas might have done all the Universe building through the original trilogy, the production process forced him to collaborate with others, and that collaboration served as a quality control. It allowed

“No one’s ever made the case for a giant corporation taking over for the original artist as well as George Lucas. Which probably isn’t what anyone had in mind.”

ROTK’s awards were literally “oops we goofed on the first two that earned them...” Now that the sausage making behind the Oscars has been made so public, this scenario is basically the result of applying Occum’s Razor.

In all seriousness, I picked up on a lot of the metaphysical discussions of the Force from the KOTOR RPGs in Force Awakens.

I got to 100% on Story Mode. I found myself thinking my time would have been better spent looking up the ending on Youtube. The Riddler trophies might carry over between New Game/+, but too many of the other things you need for 100% just become tedious by the time you complete them.

The officer/apc chases, the bomb

Even still, all those tank battles, disarming bombs or sneaking behind buildings, and that incredibly disappointing battle with Deathstroke, twice? Hard pass.

My initial post was probably never seen, but for the record, I did receive a notification at about 12:30AM EST on 11/11/2015 telling me my order had shipped and would arrive on 11/12/2015. We’ll see if that happens. It seems plausible as my order shipped from a fulfillment center about 1.5 hours from my home.

I pre-ordered my PC Pip Boy Edition on June 14th. While I elected for the free non-Prime shipping, Amazon indicates that they’ve deemed they can wait until sometime next week to even put mine in the mail. I can understand not delivering on release day with the shipping option I chose, but deciding to squat on my copy

This was one of the first games where I found an actual exploit. If you could save up enough nuyen to get the mob contact, you got a 50% discount at the Crime Mall. Combine that with charisma gained by farming Gunderson in Redmond for karma (his runs pay for crap, but they’re all local, easy to complete, and thus a

Because the Nolan’s and Zac Snyder don’t understand Superman or his supporting cast.

Amazon already has it up. $120. I hope for the collective fan base they’ve got enough lead time to manufacture to demand. A lot of people seem to want it. Some of us have already ordered it.

It’s “only” $120, so basically $60 for your very own Pip Boy. It’s up on Amazon now.

Now, on Amazon, $120.