Gawker treated David Geithner like crap.

You're not placing the slip knot over the "lock button." You're placing it over the "lock pin."

I don't like gritty milk. This one falls into the "why didn't I think of that?" category.

Nucleation is why Mentos make Diet Coke spew.

Reminds me of the storage room for my high school physics lab. I rather like it. I'm not sure the rest of my family would agree, though.

After I wrote that, I regretted using the term "always." But, *since* I can't delete my comment, I'll have to suffer with the indignity.

I think "since" always conveys time, but the measurement of time is often understood. For example, "Since he was hungry (then), he went to the store" or "Since (the day) I quit drinking I no longer wake up in my own vomit."

Jon Gingerich isn't entirely wrong about "moot." The first definition in the OED, with examples going back to 1563, is:

When I'm trying to get students to understand the difference between less and fewer, I tell them to think about quality versus quantity. You have less of a quality, but fewer of a quantity. When I get blank stares, I ask them, "You know, as in 'could you be any fewer bored at this moment'?" They usually start to get

Actually, color would probably be irrelevant in my situation. But the label would provide a tactile difference between jacks, which is what I'd need. What a great idea!

If you're going to use masking tape to protect the rubber door seal, how about using a little more tape to, you know, protect the interior trim of the door from overspray? It wouldn't take that much more time.

I made no such implication. I understand now that you read it that way, but that doesn't mean the implication was there.

We teach our Cub Scouts to leave no trace. I'm not sure what the Girl Scouts were learning when they left tiny beads all over the floor for the Cub Scouts to pick up. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't "building, navigation and tracking skills."

Right there with you. We had some interesting Newberry Award books we read for the local English festival. But the books the English Lit teachers assigned in high school were horrible.

Well, the Girl Scouts who use the room before my son's Cub Scout den meets have been making friendship bracelets and selling cookies. I don't know how helpful the bracelets would be, but I suppose a large enough supply of Thin Mints could be used for survival. They could be sold for cash that can be used for more

That makes some sense. My kids got me a Whirley Pop popper for Christmas, and oil gets on the lid and has to be wiped off every time. But I'm not sure it's enough of a "hassle" to warrant lining a lid with foil.

Beat me to it, Jake. I've got a guest VLAN I can activate when company comes and brings devices. But it's got AP isolation activated to keep those devices from seeing other devices on the network.

I cannot speak to the legality of the behavior here. But the state's driver guide tells you not to do it. So there's a good chance that it's illegal here, too.

The most annoying thing I run into are people who don't know how to take advantage of a courteous driver.

A custom ROM isn't necessarily the solution. GPS on my Aria with a stock ROM was great. But it stank with CM7.1. By that, I mean that I'd get to the destination before GPS locked on.

"The recent 'Kelo' decision handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court has modified eminent domain to allow governments to take land away from private individuals and give it to others if the resulting development will result in more tax revenue."