Watched a big chunk of it.
Watched a big chunk of it.
An amazing adventure! I honestly didn’t expect things to go as well as they did, in the end. Though you guys really got ground down to the bitter end of it.
LOL nah. Takes more than car issues to kill a friendship.
I’m frankly curious to see how well the WHITEOUT EDITION packages of any car, would sell. Think: Ceramic Pearl White, chrome-white wheels (there’s a color for that and I’ve seen it before, but for the life of me...)
And if/when the vehicle should actually be manufactured, we’ll then have to see how it drives.
Rose-Colored Glasses.
It’s easy... he’s trying to start a war so that when a Democratic presidency comes in, once again.... that president has to spend 4-8 years to clean up a war...
I would have considered the 86, but it didn’t have enough power for the cost. It also didn’t have a great interior, though I don’t get AS hung-up on materials these days unless it’s an expensive vehicle with unapologetic hard plastics.
The irony is that in most circumstances, foreign automakers only give us the most powerful engine options for the NA market. Or, we get larger engines that aren’t an option in the home country.
I’m still a good 10-15 years away from needing to worry about lumber LOL. If I ever do get a chance to buy a house before I die.
Ah, poo... I’m past the edit time for my original post. Because I have selective memory, and you reminded me of the fact that I HAVE owned a Dodge minivan and even drove cross-country in it.
But horrid depreciation, and I would need to take the rear seats out a lot. Which I don’t have a ton of space in which to store…
I still maintain that one of the basest, root-causes of the CUV/SUV boom is because most households can’t afford multiple vehicles per driver any more, and the most versatile tool is usually the most useful one; so no work truck in the drive, and the sedan for driving to church on Sunday, any more.
As with many people under the age of “Boomer”, it’s nice to have SOMETHING, but I absolutely don’t rely on it.
Reminds me of when my ‘94 Probe GT exhaust finally rusted out. So in the meantime while I waited on my new stainless steel Borla to show up, I just BRAAAP BRAAAPED around town. Was amusing.
Maybe the thoughts this article (and many others the past few years) that have triggered in my mind, are a bit large of a leap but...
I have an easy answer for that - I lived much more comfortably, 15 years ago before the recession, than I do now. A lot more job experience, but only making 20% more than I did, then. It’s too bad my housing cost in the area, jumped over 65%, and all my bills are more expensive, while medical also takes a bigger chunk…
Be careful with those Xterras.... over the years (and from an ex-coworker) I learned of trans cooler issues, but more importantly, make sure with 1st gen the timing belt was changed (or change it ASAP), and for the 2nd gen, the timing chain guides tend to go. Sometimes unexpectedly. This is what happened with the…
Had there not been more stringent pedestrian impact laws implemented between then, and now, the front end of an Aston may very well HAVE looked like that. Low and sleek.
24 Hours of BioVoyagiesel
This is all par for the course for David and his (mis)-adventures. I used to give him a hard time about it in the comments, but I’ve since lightened up for a myriad of reasons.