
Her. Caster identifies as female, so it's pretty rude to call her "him".

14?? Oh my goodness, that means he'd never thought of sex before until he heard Bruno Mars sing about it during the Super Bowl. Won't someone please think of the children??

There's actually something called the vasovagal response that can sometimes be triggered by straining on the toilet. Also that's where heart attacks can happen fairly commonly as well. Most experienced EMTs can tell you stories of how many calls they've responded to in bathrooms because of this.

That's the joke, dude.

Yeah, the amount of lighting and color correction that was needed for the tub pic was the most startling to me.

Whether she should have or not, Elizabeth Smart apparently didn't get any therapy after she came home.

Whoa, this is from a while back, but I definitely appreciate your thoughts! So as it turns out, it was most likely Lyme Disease. I tested partially for it (long story), and since undergoing treatment, my food sensitivities aren't completely better, but are waaaaay better then they were. And I can eat gluten now

The study reported a specificity of 99.9%, meaning that only .1% would have been given a false negative.

Did you hear the latest? They've apparently known since 2009 that Metro operators were disabling the emergency intercoms in some trains, but of course when passengers insisted it had happened during a fight last month, it was all deny, deny, deny by the WMATA. That's their MO lately— "no, what are you talking about,

Is there a key missing that explains the color-coding for this map? I looked on the Guttmacher site that's linked and didn't see it there, either.

Because he's inside, and there's probably air conditioning and he likes it as a fashion-statement?

He certainly could have, I agree. He did say in statements he didn't like it, but that he was going to go along with what the majority of Americans wanted at the time and not veto it. Again, I'm in no way giving him a pass, but I was just correcting the OP's original statement that he created it. He absolutely did

He did not create DOMA. Sen Bob Barr authored it, and it passed both houses of Congress by a sweeping majority. It was enough a majority to override a presidential veto, so Clinton vetoing it would have done nothing.

Please quote where I said *anything* about cats "catching a cold". The original OP just asked if they are susceptible to cold ( ie the TEMPERATURE), and I simply confirmed that in our case, that was true. Nothing about catching colds, virii, or bacteria. That was all you in your rush to feel superior.

No shit, Sherlock. But hypothermia still exists, and cats who are wet when it isn't very warm inside are susceptible to it.

They can be. Our cat growing up had a skin condition that required monthly baths in a special soap. My mom would crank the heat up in the bathroom for the bath, and once she was out she would blow her dry a little (even though she hated it), and then lock her in in the warm room until she dried so she wouldn't catch

I work in an industry where some women (and men) can afford and wear high end designer clothing, while others make much less money doing essentially the same job for smaller companies, and couldn't afford the high end clothes. While I'm not going to lie and say no one notices the fancy dressers, I will say that no one

Ha ha, it's been years (I am an old), but my best friend and I in college always used to remark on this to each other. After careful study, we determined they tended to do it when females they were attracted to (or at least wanted to impress), were in the vicinity—therefore it must be some kind of mating ritual.

Except I worked for a major insurer for five years, so I too know of what I speak. Maybe not the 10 years your boyfriend did, but I am WELL familiar with insurance policies (both pre- and post- ACA implementation) and what they can cover.

She had a 65% chance of getting breast cancer and watched her mother die of it—why wouldn't she get it done? And actually depending on family history and testing positive for the gene, lots of insurances would in fact cover the mastectomy before diagnosis with cancer. You really don't know what you are talking about