
One could buy a clean non-ruined Lotus Elise for a bit less than what the current bid is.

The only winners here were the people who built it for about half the cost max. 

The people who fell for the AI image are stupid.

The last season of Heros was unwatchable.

She was exhilarated when Disney decided not to renew her contract, she celebrated with multiple tweets about how she’s free now.

She now has the career that she deserves and she’s not happy about it.

And to be exact, they canceled a contract.

I hear they love things rammed down their throats. 

Look, it’s not Gina Carano’s fault that Cara Dune had to die of Space Dysentery for important plot reasons...

Conservative: “It’s a free country and I can do or say whatever the hell I want even if it offends people.”

Schneider’s never worked with Disney and never served time behind bars

A total driving ban would have been better 

MyCar will give MyPillow a run for its lack of money. 

Nah, he is in a class of his own with just a few pals just as insane, with that amount of psycopathy and narcissism, and his utter lack of ethics and morals.

Being a PUBLIC shithead.  Most CEOs are shitheads, they just don’t go publicizing it in the manner that Musk does.

Being a shithead, not great for business. Who knew?

I hate this timeline.

So are we just not gonna talk about this?

How does a 20-year old afford a Hellcat?

And “goofus maloofus”...good one.