
Yes we do! And the most irritating part? I had damn near perfect skin as a teen. I feel like I’m being punished for that. :(

It’s very telling that in her narrative, she admits to not being a saint and never asks anyone to take her side or attack him, while he plays the martyr who did nothing wrong, makes it about race (which is, conveniently, the theme of his maybe book) and explicitly insults anyone who believes her and not him. Typical.

Glad you’re okay.

I can’t help with anything lasting, but would you like some good news, for the moment? A bunch of little girls in Canada are working to help homeless people be warmer this winter!

Being a parent makes you boring. My whole job the first six months was to not throw up so much that I landed in the hospital. My advice: eat hot meals while you can!

Wait. He tells women to toughen up but turns into a yellow bellied coward when the twitterverse brings down the the hammer?!

You know if I had that rich of a baby daddy Id just want 1 million presents all the time.

You have the DVD sets? Awesome! I swear there’s a Magic Pocket Guy moment on one of the blooper reels, which are of course fun to watch anyway. Great moments like Duncan MacLeod mounting a horse by leaping over its rear end — which took about half a dozen takes where Adrian Paul misses before finally nailing it. :-P

After reading that article about women on gawker, it’s hard not to hear WEMMIN B LIKIN CELEBRITIEZZZZZZZZZ all over this announcement.

They are legit the only reasons I check Jez every damn day now. wtf

People seem concerned about getting this one rapist help.

It’s hard to pick one passage that stands out above the others, but I think this one does it for me: “Maister went on to attack Mecklenburg District Judge Rebecca Thorne Tin, who convicted Hardy of assault, saying she couldn’t have ruled fairly because when she was in law school, she co-chaired the Harvard Battered

Diana Moskovitz deserves a fucking Pulitzer for her coverage of the NFL’s craven stupidity on this issue and and, truthfully, in all things.

I’d pitch in to have in monogrammed.

I don’t know. They may have a point. Those cups don’t look anything like the ones Jesus drank his Gingerbread Lattes out of.

This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.

And much respect to Deadspin for not letting this one go and publishing what they have.

This is beyond horrifying.

Did I wake up in some alternate universe in which presidential candidates WANT people to believe they’ve stabbed someone and hit their mother with a hammer?? I’m losing my mind right?? Are we dead??