
And the people who told me "God always opens a window when he shuts a door" after my husband died suddenly and alone at the age of 42. WTF? I had three young kids, our income was more than halved, I hurt and missed my husband every day. And the best they could come up with was the God stuff? A simple "I'm very sorry

One of my middle class, white, good student children was caught with marijuana in high school. Arrested but sent to a diversion program. The diversion program included group drug therapy. When I saw the kids coming out of the therapy session I knew all my child would learn was better drug connections. Since I could

I’m 5’10” and not the skinny little person I was ten years ago. Skinny jeans are wonderful for me though: long, comfortable, and don’t pick up every bit of moisture on the ground. Plus I have three pairs of great knee-length boots. I know the bootcuts are coming back but I will hold off as long as possible. Nothing

my grandmother was a tough little Irish person. When Cassius Clay changed his name to " muhammed ali" my grandmother was not at all disturbed. She told me then (and I have always believed this) that people should be called what they want to be called. It is only the polite thing to do. So if you want to be called

I grew up calling adults mister, missus, miss. I still call my aunts and uncles “aunt” or “uncle” followed by their first name. Even now, when my children and their friends are young adults they still call me "Mrs.—-" It just brings us back to the years when they were young and I cared for them. It is a matter of

My kids, my husband, and I watched the original Muppets many years ago. Sure, the kids realized we were laughing at lines they did not find at all amusing but we adults didn’t laugh at everything the kids thought was funny. It was a great time for all. We learned to respect other people’s humor and the kids realized

I’m 5’10” and my current (and best ever) BF is 5’6”. While we may not look compatible (he was a wrestler, I was a dancer) everything else is wonderful. He’s smart, kind, sophisticated, dryly funny, and thinks it’s hilarious when people try to hint around that we may not be “right.” Plus when I wear high heels I never