
I'm not very good with science but I was wondering what would happen if something as powerful as the Hubble was pointing here at Earth. Could we see like each individual hair on anyone's head? Or is it better for things that are far away?

hey you didn't include the best one. It's called Upular. I think.

"A video adventurer was daring enough to infiltrate"....

@Unholy_Hero: I refuse to believe that the moon is not made of cheese.

"without this car and it's performance, this could never take place"

So if I'm making out with my girlfriend is the movie really dull or very romantic?

@Omega: haha. haven't watched in a while. firing it up now.

For anybody that went to the link, does it say what kind of camera he had on it? Looks pretty clear. I need one for roller coasters.

He's a disgrace to Juans!!!! You're supposed to hide it in the vent. Dumbass

couldn't even make it to the 4 minute mark.

@MaxPoint: haha. I didn't even notice at first.

@Settings: if i wasn't so lazy i would photoshop that. sounds like fun

Band of Holes- Peru

@Dacker: Wait I think you were right. It's in Peru as well, the Band of Holes.

@Dacker: No they were holes. Man I can't remember the damn name or location. Let me find the episode. My brains not functioning properly.

This reminds me of the holes in the landscape of some country that are supposedly not man made. I saw it onAncient Aliens I think. But those are like in perfect rows, thousands of them.

@Unholy_Hero: i wish it was a week before. supposed to get it on the 7th. just find a non chain game store. I think that's the term. Every retailer gets it days in advanced but only the "family owned" or in my case "cool asian guy" actually release them early.

@Unholy_Hero: Will do tomorrow. I'm supposed to get the game a couple days early so I'll post some videos if I do. Don't know how transferring videos from the game is gonna work but I'll see what I can do.