
@Unholy_Hero: PS3 and very rarely on Steam. See that's the thing, I haven't seen it mentioned but it's in one of the first trailers right at the end. Gotta look it up fast. Maybe I just got my hopes up a little too much.

@Unholy_Hero: looks sweet. Planning on building my first rig after the holidays so will make sure to add either the old one or this one. May not be necessary though cause I mostly play call of duty and black ops has in game recording I believe. At least that's what i got from the ad.

@Unholy_Hero: There's an external one??? Holy crap. Only thing that was holding me back was the lack of a good/any desktop. How expensive are we talking? Oh and link please. I fail at google for the moment.

@Unholy_Hero: Is that the blackmagic card? Something like that, I was debating getting one a while ago.

@dhotaling: Now we just need a huge breakthrough in the efficiency of solar cells. I'm sure someday it will all be really simple though.

I want a phone that can constantly charge via any light in the room/outside (do solar panels use the heat or the light from the sun?) That would be pretty great.

@McMike: disregard, candlejack just found out where he li

@Chewbenator: Best part is it makes you go to Washington first. Haha, silly google

There was one where it would tell you to kayak across the Pacific Ocean. I think it was from US to Australia. good stuff

@Mike Gaertner: I was thinking more along the lines of people who didn't already have an ipod/iphone. But yes those are the obvious two easy answers. It would be a lot more convenient though if instead of buying an ipod touch you could run all the same apps on your TV and use some simple controller with all the

This plus a wii remote will probably create a lot of entertainment. Not sure what you would do for typing though.

Kind of unrelated but... can you get viruses on tablets???? Specifically like iPads, Galaxy, or even smartphones? I never thought about that. Would having flash on these devices make it possible?

Does it include "on- ride" videos? That would be sweeeeet. It would be awesome if a theme park had a google street view type thing implemented where you could walk up to a ride and then it would show a video of said ride. Even better if you could "walk" to a show and watch the different shows available at the time.

@Settings: secret Nazi tunnel you say?

@LeftClicker: .... the android release following honeycomb.....

@Standish: cough installous cough cough. I've actually tried out a few apps that i wasn't too sure about and then went and paid for it on itunes. no joke

@tomsomething: How sad would it be to miss the landing and have to walk of shame into the stadium?

That was awesome. He hit the mark exactly. I would've ended up on a freeway somewhere.

.... is a vibrator considered a robot?