
@amazingmao: what about the new Duke game? Never really played the original but the new one looks alright.

did they just give up on translating towards the end? haha

Reminds me of Malcolm in the Middle.

About half the time I see a well written article here it's usually written by someone at Wired. I should check over there more often.

the graphics in mario kart 64 amazed me as a child, and now that I play iton my hdtv they still look pretty good compared to most other nintendo games. I miss my Nintendo sometimes :(

@interrogator_chaplain: I've got the older sibling the z 5500. I still don't understand who decides the pricing but I got mine 3 years ago for 3oo and sometimes I see it listed on their website for 500+. Right now it's back to almost 300 and I recommend that one any chance i get.

@ckarv: wi fi working fine for me on iphone 4. full speed twice on speed test app

@Beall49: haven't tried the wifi. May have to check that out now. If not hopefully tomorrow's will be better.

looks exactly like the blackra1n "make it rain" button. Will do it when I get home but I highly doubt he would release something that he didn't test over and over. He's pretty good about that. You shouldn't have any problems.

looks like an upside down plane with rotors. That's what they're called right?

I say good riddance to beer. Smells like piss anyway.

@IronCogDesign: Haven't watched this in a while. Gotta go find it.

@N00BIES: is not a man entitled to a pair of...

I wonder, if this is finally true, if and how this will affect Android sales. I know a lot of people who ask me every year whether there is going to be a Verizon iPhone or not. Seems like there is a huge market for one.

"we goin' find you"

they just let the van drive through? Well I guess it shouldn't be surprising, theres like a hundred people just staring at the body.

nice. Holy crap Sam's site is awesome. This guy is going places.