
@Animos: True. you just never know. I have emergency money in the car (taco bell runs) so might as well have something that can keep me alive.

@Animos: Is that the window breaker thing? I wanted one, but then realized the only water I can drive into is the Pacific Ocean.

@Spencer!!: A while ago I had the LG Voyager on Verizon and it had an antenna on it that was used to get TV signal. I don't know if it had a tuner or if it was online TV but it was pretty awesome. I remember watching the x games on it

I've been training for this my whole life, thank you Taco Bell.

TV tuner? As in plug into a monitor or computer and watch TV? Or as in like a portable TV?

@Antubis: He looks shopped. lol. so out of place

Hmmm i see the whitenoise podcast isn't on there. I knew you guys weren't funny. :p

Sam Spratt, my new Internet idol

are these things free? As in, can I drive somewhere and pick some up? I thought that was frowned upon. ha

Awww man I forgot about the Courier :(

@AutobahnBurner: If you pull the trigger I'll have an Atom waiting as your get away car. haha

delete System32

@AutobahnBurner: That's what they get for unleashing Bieber upon the world.

Quick, someone make Lindsay Lohan's head out of crack.

@sniglet: no wayyyyyy. google google google... "To be street-legal, an Atom must be built as a kit car. That means everything, including the engine, is shipped to the owner in pieces."

@mecha2142: i wish the atom was street legal. would be the greatest drive to work ever.

Neat. Good specs too.