
I've been using this app a lot more since the one I used to use lost a lot of the functions I liked about it. It was called something ultra, or ultra something, and you could do things like hum or tap the beat of a song you heard and it would find it like 90% of the time. It was awesome! And then a few updates later

I would expect nothing less from a man named Billy May. I would buy it just for that clicky mouse thingy. Looks like fun.

That's pretty sexy. I might buy if the price isn't ridiculous.

Myth Busted

... but.... but.. ; (

@Bliksem: The one here in Hollywood got replaced by the Simpsons ride. It's pretty good as well.

... but he does have 10 robofingers

lol. it looks like Steve Jobs. awesome

@Hello Mister Walrus: Ha. nice, I gotta look up a clip or something. Those games never appealed to me for some reason. I liked the graphic work though.

I agree with Gimmi

If the price is around that then it really kills it for me. Looking into a superzoom and Fuji's 30x zoom one is like 400 bucks now.

.... ok

@Soap Flakes: looks like somebody really needs a hit

It's all a conspiracy man, they told you to get those shots and now you can't think straight. The mans trying to keep you down man.


looks like 4chan has taught us well

Giant ribbed condoms. For mother Earth's pleasure

ice cream cake???? How many time can i vote? hehe