Disagree. I got pissed and turned off permadeath after losing a weak unit 40 minutes into a chapter repeatedly...and being able to march your entire army to death DESTROYS the tension of the gameplay ENTIRELY. It felt awful.
Disagree. I got pissed and turned off permadeath after losing a weak unit 40 minutes into a chapter repeatedly...and being able to march your entire army to death DESTROYS the tension of the gameplay ENTIRELY. It felt awful.
Not exactly. Resetting the game when you get a death is still accepting the higher difficulty of permadeath, in a way. Because that means that your success state for a mission also includes ‘no deaths’. With no permadeath, you can let your weaklings die every mission and still keep on truckin’ happily.
It’s not Fire Emblem without Permadeath. I’m sorry it just isn’t.
Playing through this I noticed something funny.
Undertale fans are like Stephen Universe fans. I know the thing they are championing is probably really good and something I would enjoy, but they are so obnoxious that I can’t bring myself to checking out the thing they go on and on about.