
Harley's model looks uncharacteristically good for an American game. It looks practically ripped out of a JRPG (and to me that's a good thing.)

@ieatbabies: He could be a Taiwanese native.

It's time high-earning execs in the USA also be made to disclose how much they make.

@thaKingRocka: I like to think that they balance each other out.

"Personal girlfriend shopping mall?" Women who complain about cat calling sure like to flatter themselves.

@Archaotic: You forgot the main collector's item. Hint: starts with M and ends with "odel car"

@VincentGrey: I kind of think the big hair of hosts is part of the "uniform," and not so much them trying to be more attractive. When you see a big haired, well groomed and well dressed guy walking around late in Shibuya, chances are he's a host.

@BarfHappy: Considering you'd have to sleep with any roundface porker with enough money, I can't imagine it being considered a benefit.

@cesca07: Well spoken. No western game has ever engaged me emotionally like FF could.

I wonder how they will fund all this without a monthly fee

Which is better, Sexy Beach 3 or Rapelay?

@businessbard: Had LittleJohn been charged in a court of law, what you are saying would be relevant. But because this is a company, what matters is not whether or not one says the right thing, but whether the customers perceive it to be the right thing. It doesn't matter how correct you may be—if the customers are

@businessbard: Had LittleJohn been charged in a court of law, what you are saying would be relevant. But because this is a company, what matters is not whether or not one says the right thing, but whether the customers perceive it to be the right thing. It doesn't matter how correct you may be—if the customers are

@RawSteelUT: Unfortunately, Sony and Nintendo aren't just going to sit back and let MS take those markets. And what is supplying the financial backing to fund their marketing campaigns? In large part it comes from the reliable domestic Japanese market. MS might not be doing a good job, but it's got to do something

@RawSteelUT: Japan is an important market not because of the revenue potential for MS, but because its a source of steady income for Nintendo and Sony. If MS doesn't disrupt this, they wouldn't be effectively competing.

@indrawnperson: Yes, I strongly think the character designs, rather than the personalities, made them popular. It's hard to describe why, but those designs are simultaneously mysterious, frail, and sexy.

@N-Robes: I personally think it's because Rei was among the first anime characters to really stimulate rescue fantasies. There she was, so silent, so mysterious, so hurt inside. Every guy wanted to "save" her. The fact that she was a 14 year old with developed breasts probably helped too

30 somewhat balanced characters is better than a 40+ character roster with only 5 viable in tourneys. God, they should just spite everyone by removing storm, sentinel, cable, and magneto.

@Recoil: Think Watchmen violence. It's practically the same type.