
Her case was taken seriously, she was given an EKG, and triaged. She was asked to wait. Her wait was 2 hours. That is NOT a significant time to wait. The AVERAGE wait time to be taken to a bed in the US is over 1.5 hours. 2 - 3 hour waits are well within 3 standard deviations. Just because someone has to wait does not

From a medical perspective yes. Medical professionals do not ring alarm bells about chest pain until after 40. Again, as I said, because of statistics and well proven and established practices. Just because they don’t rush into action for the under 40 crowd does not mean they don’t take it seriously. They are two

Excellent jumping to conclusions.

What the hell would aspirin have done? Its for people with coronary problems resulting in cardiac arrest. Nothing to suggest that was the case, and she was 25! Young people do not present with coronary problems and having her chew aspirin would not and is not standard procedure for a person under 30 who has chest pain.

Any competent medical professional will NOT give nitro to anyone showing up with chest pain and shortness of breath. Her EKG was fine, her O2 saturation, her HR, and her BP would have all be assessed. Likely, triage decided that she was not in imminent threat. She didn’t text out that she was nauseous or showing other

We can truly say he has left the world a better place.

Please explain why you think US bond yields would suddenly rise to the extent that the government can’t furnish the interest? The US isn’t Greece with a MASSIVE revenue problem, sparking economic panic. Oh, and after a short period of time, Greek bond yields are now as low as the fucking US. Is Greece a steaming hole

The thing that is really blowing my mind is that Trump must have already been advised the USA can’t just buy Greenland. International Law at this point prohibits it without allowing for self-determination by the actual Greenlanders. I.E. There would have to be a referendum, Greenlands government (yes they have their

This article presents the presidency as if the policies of the president are legislative possibilities. This is a fallacy. The president does not enact or even control what policy makes it to the floor of congress. Basing presidential votes on legislative promises is pointless. Functionally, for American domestic

And is drug dealing brother can become Premier...

So your girlfriend is sad that her friends are spending away their retirement savings and social safety net while her steady job is putting money away (CPP = Canadian Pension Plan) for later in life and providing her security in the even she loses her job (EI = Employment Insurance).  Not to mention cash tips are

I nearly died from an under cooked burger. E-coli followed by improper treatment (at the time, there weren’t alot of cases) resulted in HUS or hemolytic uremic syndrome and ultimately put me into early stage kidney failure. I still suffer from kidney problems today, 31 years later. So excuse me if I prefer to eat well

It actually does have a cool origin imo. Bethlehem Steel had a blast furnace and steel plant there. Blast furnaces produce pig iron and LV being a steel town I think went and used pig iron for their name. You came up with a funny story but the name does reflect the local history.

I there was reporting after the election that McConnell basically threatened the white house after these meetings saying if they went public the Republicans would claim it was political interference by the WH. So Obama and co backed off.

Transports jackknife on winter roads all the time. With the trailer suddenly perpendicular to the road any cars on the same road surface are gonna be in dire straights to actually stop in time. And that’s assuming people don’t slam into them from behind even if they do stop.

8th amendment...

While he has found this statistical difference did he conclusively show the BHP statistic is statistically significant to the win/loss out come. Just looking at his table the correlation between wins and the BHP stat is loose at best. Just because the BHP stat is high in his most recent win doesn’t mean that it was

What I find hilarious, is that Mulvaney, actually had the gall to say that the military was severely underfunded under Obama. Obama kept military spending at the same levels that Bush had them POST IRAQ SURGE. So despite not fighting two wars anymore Obama kept the spending right where it was. Now Trump’s budget

Huh... So you are perfectly fine with the idea that schools don’t have to take your children’s nutrition and health into consideration when providing lunches? All so the grain lobby can get grain farmers extra sales or corn farmers can push more corn for corn syrup? Just look what French schools serve their kids

Honest question here but can you cite examples of how the far-left is excusing Assad? Maybe I don’t immerse myself in enough far left politics (being a left of center, for a Canadian, guy) to have seen this.